Meanwhile in China …
The Chinese Weightlifting team ran a test event in their training center. See the women’s session here.
And Liao Hui (69kg) did pretty good. How Good?
He got the 200kg Clean & Jerk and a 365kg Total, ergo also a 165kg Snatch.
Update 30.10.2014: Finally, here is the 165kg Snatch Video
Just to put these numbers in perspective:
- 165kg Snatch equals Georgi Markov’s still standing World Record
- 200kg is 2kg above Liao’s own World Record (198kg C&J video here)
- 365kg is 7kg above the World Record Total of 358 kg (held by Liao Hui)
Update 07.10.2014: Side View
Updates: Infos from seminar attendees
- “He also took an attempt at 210kg and just Clean Pulled it. He went from 200, to 210kg and didn’t take his third attempt after the 210kg Clean Pull” (via).
- Liao has a 280kg Squat and 255kg Front Squat (via).
Note: he did not make weight for this event (via). Nat said: “nothing was posted, but the center judge said 72-73 range”.
More Chinese Weightlifting: Read Larry’s Chinese Weightlifting Experience.
Big thanks to Steve and Toh Jia Jun.
The Chinese weightlifting team has already been training for international competition for a good portion of the year, and this competition was held to test how the training was coming along. This is a fairly important competition in regards to the competition in September (I think they are referring to the Chinese Nationals.[or Asian Games -G.]) Most of the athletes performed fairly well. Lifters don’t have to make weight for this competition, but standards are still very strict.
Liao hui says that he hasn’t been able to Clean and Jerk 200kg in training for a bit (10kg off from his 210kg training best), but in competition he feels more energized and focused. While he hasn’t hit this weight in competition, he believes he has the ability to hit this weight, which is why in competition he’s sometimes stronger than in training (more focus.)
His coach (the head coach of the national team) said that in the period leading up to this test competition, they focused their training “on the basics” – perfecting technique and building strength. He then said that while the lifters here did not lift under strict competition requirements (e.g. not cutting weight), it was important for them to periodically assess their progress.
The head coach basically says that the competition helps them decide which athletes to send to competitions as they can see which athletes can perform well and see who can “utilize” what they learned in training during competitions. He said to send the top 8 lifters to the 2014 Asian games in September.
Original Video:
YouTube Mirror
Liao Hui and Lu Xiaojun, the outliers and pride of Chinese weightlifting from the Beijing – Rio cycle.
He’s unstoppable. If he was 69kg, this would give him a sinclair of 491 over his current world record total sinclair of 483.77, making him even further the best current weightlifter in the world. Still a long way off old Suley’s sinclair at 60kg of 507.25 using the current IWF site’s calculator.
Also I found it interesting they were using an Eleiko set there. Probably because that’s the most likely barbell they’ll encounter in international competition?
Suley’s sinclair will never be surpassed. Not because there isn’t the potential for another human being with that level of talent but because the PED dosages required won’t pass in competiton testing ever again.
Who is Suley? Its Suleymanoğlu
who is turk, it’s turkey
Who is Joe? It’s Joseph.
Who is Everett? It’s Everettishtashbamalamadingdong LOL
I’d never heard it abbreviated like that either. Good question.
It’s a dream 😀 You really think today’s lifters take less drugs?? I am sorry to disturb you with this but it’s not true. Today’s athletes take different drugs – much better ones – than those back in the ’80-s. Lots of them take the kind which are not even on the doping list. Look at their body how much leaner and they lift nearly the same weights. Before anyone would start to argue about this I know it as a fact from persons who are leaders in this sport. Secondly I use to do this sport and I know what’s the difference between two lifters who are separated just by 10 kg in total. Hardly anything :)))
The Chinese weightlifting team has already been training for international competition for a good portion of the year, and this competition was held to test how the training was coming along. This is a fairly important competition in regards to the competition in September (I think they are referring to the Chinese Nationals.) Most of the athletes performed fairly well. Lifters don’t have to make weight for this competition, but standards are still very strict.
Liao hui says that he hasn’t been able to clean and jerk 200kg in training for a bit (10kg off from his 210kg training best), but in competition he feels more energized and focused. While he hasn’t hit this weight in competition, he believes he has the ability to hit this weight, which is why in competition he’s sometimes stronger than in training (more focus.)
The head coach basically says that the competition helps them decide which athletes to send to competitions as they can see which athletes can perform well and see who can “utilize” what they learned in training during competitions. He also says something about choosing the top 8 athletes from the list to send to competitions but not sure what list or competition he’s referring to.
Awesome! Thanks Steve
Thanks Steve! So nice of you!
He said to send the top 8 lifters to the 2014 Asian games in September.
I guess the westerners in the audience are those from the Ma Strength seminars?
Also I hope they don’t send all of their main guys and girls to the AG (and not WWC), it’s so hard to get footage. 🙁
Yes the westerners are from the seminars
Yes the westerners are currently attending the Ma Strength Weightlifting Camp. Coach Ma was able to secure a permit for us to attend and we took the afternoon off from training to watch.
Beautiful. I can’t wait to see him lift at Worlds!
Just joking here but Hui should move to 77 just to snag perepetchenov’s record since I feel like Lu’s chance of hitting 211 might be a pipe dream
Liao probably can, maybe Lu Xiaojun to 85 to take overall record at Rio with 184/212.
Dude, Lu can’t get that big. His pre-training is 73kg, so he’s packing on weight as he trains. If he competed in 85, he’d probably be doing so at 80kg or so and probably won’t be much better than he was at 77. In general, he’s a good 77 and moving up to weight ranks that you’re not naturally made for at age as old as 30 is usually something that declining athletes do when they’re laden with injury hoping that the extra muscle can carry the body a little further before total breakdown. It usually doesn’t result in much of a gain in performance, if any at all.