Update 31.07.2014: He got a 200kg Clean & Jerk in a test event before the 2014 Asian Games.
It took some time for it to surface, but here it is:
Liao Hui’s 200kg Clean & Jerk attempt (at 69kg) from the 2013 Chinese Nationals.
This was his comeback meet after his ban. He went:
- Snatch: 151, 161 (Asian record), x166 (1kg above current WR)
- C&J: 175, 188kg (to win the total), x200 (3kg above the WR at that time)
Translation from what he said in the short video:
In the beginning Liao Hui also subtly mentions that 200kg isn’t too much for someone who has done 210.
The 200kg was already on his chest, and during the Jerk he was like “I’m already the champion” and at that time, people were worrying about me how I was going to injure myself, my coach thought it was no problem.
More: watch his 198kg C&J World Record from the 2013 Worlds.
Thanks to Steve for submitting.
The 200kg was already on his chest, and during the jerk he was like i’m already the champion and at that time, people were worrying about me how I was going to injure myself, my coach thought it was no problem.
Something along those lines. Not too fluent in chinese weightlifting jargon
Thanks for this
Something about him sticking out his tongue makes me laugh. He’s probably thinking “Fuck this, I’m #1”.
in the beginning liao hui also subtly mentions that 200kg isn’t too much for someone who has done 210. lol I’m assuming he is saying he has done 210 in training before. crazy.
200 kg CJ @ 69 is just ridiculous…….
Zhan Xu Gang did 200kg clean and jerk as a 70kg lifter at a national championships. He full squat jerk it easily.