More from the London 2012 training hall.
Here is 69 kg winner, Lin Qingfeng, with some clean pulls.
4 days out from competition, Lin Qingfeng (China) finishes off his training session with some fast clean pulls on 160kg.
via NorthSport
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
More from the London 2012 training hall.
Here is 69 kg winner, Lin Qingfeng, with some clean pulls.
4 days out from competition, Lin Qingfeng (China) finishes off his training session with some fast clean pulls on 160kg.
via NorthSport
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Does anybody know what kind of pants all of the chinese have? 😀 And I mean almost every chinese lifter has those.
He is wearing a singlet.
yeah he’s just got his top folded down to his hips on his singlet