Paul Carter has a quick piece on low bar squat hand position.
Specifically eliminating the weight transfer into the elbow and the resulting pain.
Similar points that Mar Rippetoe made in the Low Bar Squat Bar Position video.
- elbows still pulled into the direction of the lats
- hands resting on top of the bar
For review here is Rip’s video again.
This is quite a bit easier if you’re built like Paul. I’m not, and when I first used the wide grip, mimicking what I’ve seen powerlifters do, I had problems with maintaining bar position and even some bone contact with the scapula as Rip talks about. It was pretty bad. The narrower grip solved all that but then I got the dreaded elbow torture pain. Solution? Fuck low bar squats, just go high bar.
Perfect choice, since your are Olympic lifting now.