Meanwhile in China … well not quite.
This clip is probably from before London 2012.
Lu Xiaojun Squats 280kg.
More Lu:
- His 260kg Paused Squat in the 2013 Worlds Training Hall
- All Lu Xiaojun Posts on ATG
Related: Petr Asayonak’s 290kg Squat
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in China … well not quite.
This clip is probably from before London 2012.
Lu Xiaojun Squats 280kg.
More Lu:
Related: Petr Asayonak’s 290kg Squat
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Wlift84, do you have the full clip of this news report?
Yes, it’s this (may need a proxy):
Thanks! 🙂
what’s even more fucked… is that liao squats this too
Apologies for resurrecting this thread but does anyone still have this squat on video anywhere? I’m interested as this would be the heaviest back squat by Lu I know of on video (beating out the 275 from 2015 worlds) but the original video has been removed and I can’t seem to get around the region blocking on the cntv link above.