(Original Post from 2012, Updated)
Lu Xiaojun with some lateral raises to grease those shoulders.
Ok everybody, you know what that means, right? …
Lateral raises Lu Raises, as they are called from now on, till your arms fall off today!
Since these are clearly the secret behind his success.
Update 30.01.2016: Lu Raises spotted in the 2015 Worlds Training Hall
Roy Logan says
did these tonight after my power jerks. set a PR in the power jerk btw, must’ve been the lateral raises raising my strength +5% before the fact
GregorATG says
I told you they are amazing! Lu Raises!
Roy Logan says
you were right greg, Lu Raises FTW!!!!
Vincent says
would be awesome to see him play the cymbals in a bigband 🙂
GregorATG says
Haha. Photoshop contest!
Vincent says
nice one
GregorATG says
FTFY: http://i.imgur.com/4XWdN.jpg
Shawn Cheng says
Can’t. Stop. Jizzing.
Daniel Jørgensen says
I want those traps
Phil says
I tried these with 5kg for a set as at the end of Fridays workout I usually piss about. They’re quite good. I wish this video was more popular than the Klokov one because I’d rather people in my gym do these than in front of the head snatch grip presses (yes, I’ve actually seen that).
GregorATG says
Yeah, these are a nice addition. We need to popularize Lu Raises more.
Aragus says
These are Nubrete style Lateral Raises.
GeordieCaveman says
dat back