Tom Sroka from the Strength Agenda needs your help.
He is collecting “Weightlifting Friendly Gyms”.
Enter your gym here (or tell your gym owner about it, includes powerlifting gyms).
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Tom Sroka from the Strength Agenda needs your help.
He is collecting “Weightlifting Friendly Gyms”.
Enter your gym here (or tell your gym owner about it, includes powerlifting gyms).
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
Oh how I hope one pops up near where I live.
Where do you live, Sean?
London, UK. Which is a big place, so I should be more specific. This post code: UB3 4AZ
There are gyms in and around London, but they take an hour or more to get to via public transport.
I’ve sent in my gym so there will be atleast one gym from Iceland on the map 🙂
West Yorkshire added. 🙂
great, all these european gyms ….
anything in san francisco bay area?
Sean worksman (sp) is near there isn’t he?