Mark Rippetoe interviewd lifter, writer and coach Marty Gallagher (Part 2, Part 3).
In Part 1 you get an entertaining history lesson about the the various characters and styles of Olympic and Powerlifting.
Back when there was the English Strength Set in powerlifting.
- squat starts in the bottom position
- bench press press starts at the chest
- and they substituted the curl for the deadlift
They also talked about the minimalistic approach of Mark Chaillet. His routine looked something like this:
- Monday: working up to a single rep in the squat, a single rep in the bench press
- Thursday: working up to a single deadlift
- no ssistance, no curls, no nothing
And how John McCallum made sets of 5 reps popular.
12 weeks meso-cycle, split in 3, 4 weeks mini cycles
- 1st 4 weeks: sets of 5 reps for each of the lifts, with back off set with 8 reps
- 2nd 4 weeks: sets of triples, with sets of 5 reps as back off
- 3rd 4 weeks: sets of singles or doubles, with sets of triples as back off
In Part 2 they tell some stories about Captain Kirk Karwoski and how they got him pause squatting.
- Kirk Karwoski’s hype up song: Kiss I wanna Rock N Roll all Night
After about a quick rant about fitness trends like muscle confusion, they talk about Ed Coan and Pavel Tsatsouline.
How Ed Coan “The Mozart of Strength” was no genetic freak,but a hard worker, with great proportions for powerlifting.