A little trivia: I believe this is the most weight ever pulled with a hook grip.
He already did 400Kg (hook grip) half a decade ago, while he was still 18 or 19. Didn’t really improve very much (on his already otherwordly strength) since then, it seems. Then again, this looked fairly easy and I know he had a share of injuries. Back then I though he could challenge Benedikt one day though. 🙂
He didn’t do 400 hook grip: it was with straps, in a Metal deadlifting suit. See video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-oUq0rn4L0
He’s ahead of Benedikt at the moment, as Benni’s strength has dropped a lot (~60 kgs). Benni “only” deadlifted 400 kgs at the CAPO meet and missed 410 kgs, so Wildauer is likely ahead of him at the moment. Benni has a few comps lined up, and I anticipate his strength returning quite quickly, so we’ll see.
Yeah, I recall the strapped video, but I was just comparing videos under the same PL standards. Like I said, I think Benni will come back, for these untested guys, a tear with bruising doesn’t really set them back too much as long as it’s not completely torn.
I’ve seen guys bounce back from things like this in 2 or 3 weeks as long as they are taking the right vitamins. 😉
But to be honest, I think Benni will be back at 460+ without a problem. His grip has never really been an issue.
Too much bend on Wildauer’s bar (which does not diminish the accomplishment).
What I want to see is Wildauer, Koklyaev, Savickas, Shaw and Magnússon with an IPF BAR and NO STRAPS. Anyone reading ATG who’d fancy sponsoring such a comp? 🙂
Oh, and there is also this man, whose grip is definitely not a problem (he’s been injured as of late and is coming back now): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dVTm-sfB6YM&list=UUv6NyV6UJ0FWNFIHQxwaWrw
Every single one of those guys lifts on bars as bendy as Wildauer’s. You’re not going to see any of them competing on an IPF bar any time soon. The IPF bars of today are actually stiffer than the bars of the past, so while it’s cool to see people lift on a more challenging bar (like Koklyaev using Alekseyev’s crappy old WLing bar to CJ 501 lbs), it’s not really a widely used competitive tool outside of the IPF. Plus, most of these guys have enough injuries already, and pulling on a super stiff bar is a bit rougher on the biceps. Furthermore, a lot of those guys have no problem gripping the bars they use… but give them an IPF bar and the grip might be an issue. The bar is a bigger diameter than a normal bar. To me, it just seems a little silly to use a bar so ill-fitted for the lift. Fortunately for me, with my little 280 kg deadlift, I don’t even notice a difference: I can pull the same on an IPF bar and a deadlift bar. I think it only becomes an issue when you get to ~350+ kilos.
The lift I was talking about was in competition, in a suit and with a sumo stance. Don’t think it’s recorded on tape, but he logged it in a German forum.
in a german forum he logs some of his training sessions. he reported that this was his second and last max-strength-train before the eisenhart-challenge (in the first he did somewhat like 405kg), which will take place at saturday..
i asked him, if he could imagine to concentrate on the deadlift to go for the world record.
he answered that the last time he mostly trained no singles (because it takes a lot of energy and higher reps are more effective for his strongman events), thus some other strongmen had bigger max-deadlifts (he mentions koklyaev, radzikowski, lalas, shalaei, hollands), but he was usually the strongest when it comes to deadlift for reps.
he believes that with a good preparation he could do 430kg.
Wildauer Martinsays
Hey guys,
I am using an old Schnell or Eileiko bar in this video. Cant remember exactly but I think its a compeition Schnell bar. I will have a look tomorrow when I go training.
I never lifted in Sumo Style.
The 405kg the week before and this one were my only preparation for the competition, cause before I was competiting at the Worlds Strongest Man and after at some several strongman competitions.
At the competition my opener was 400kg and really easy. At my second lift at 415kg I heard a pop in my back. I had some problems the last couple weeks with my sacroiliac joint and it was popping back into right place when i pulled 415. i couldnt walk right after but its not that serious cause I did the Strongman Champions League in SErbia the week after were I endet up with 3. Place.
A little trivia: I believe this is the most weight ever pulled with a hook grip.
He already did 400Kg (hook grip) half a decade ago, while he was still 18 or 19. Didn’t really improve very much (on his already otherwordly strength) since then, it seems. Then again, this looked fairly easy and I know he had a share of injuries. Back then I though he could challenge Benedikt one day though. 🙂
He didn’t do 400 hook grip: it was with straps, in a Metal deadlifting suit. See video here:
He’s ahead of Benedikt at the moment, as Benni’s strength has dropped a lot (~60 kgs). Benni “only” deadlifted 400 kgs at the CAPO meet and missed 410 kgs, so Wildauer is likely ahead of him at the moment. Benni has a few comps lined up, and I anticipate his strength returning quite quickly, so we’ll see.
Benni did 445kg with straps in the beginning of March. Video here: https://allthingsgym.com/benedikt-magnusson-445kg-deadlift-straps/
8 days later he tore something again https://twitter.com/bennimagnusson/status/445155251302432769
Yeah, I recall the strapped video, but I was just comparing videos under the same PL standards. Like I said, I think Benni will come back, for these untested guys, a tear with bruising doesn’t really set them back too much as long as it’s not completely torn.
I’ve seen guys bounce back from things like this in 2 or 3 weeks as long as they are taking the right vitamins. 😉
But to be honest, I think Benni will be back at 460+ without a problem. His grip has never really been an issue.
Too much bend on Wildauer’s bar (which does not diminish the accomplishment).
What I want to see is Wildauer, Koklyaev, Savickas, Shaw and Magnússon with an IPF BAR and NO STRAPS. Anyone reading ATG who’d fancy sponsoring such a comp? 🙂
Oh, and there is also this man, whose grip is definitely not a problem (he’s been injured as of late and is coming back now):
Every single one of those guys lifts on bars as bendy as Wildauer’s. You’re not going to see any of them competing on an IPF bar any time soon. The IPF bars of today are actually stiffer than the bars of the past, so while it’s cool to see people lift on a more challenging bar (like Koklyaev using Alekseyev’s crappy old WLing bar to CJ 501 lbs), it’s not really a widely used competitive tool outside of the IPF. Plus, most of these guys have enough injuries already, and pulling on a super stiff bar is a bit rougher on the biceps. Furthermore, a lot of those guys have no problem gripping the bars they use… but give them an IPF bar and the grip might be an issue. The bar is a bigger diameter than a normal bar. To me, it just seems a little silly to use a bar so ill-fitted for the lift. Fortunately for me, with my little 280 kg deadlift, I don’t even notice a difference: I can pull the same on an IPF bar and a deadlift bar. I think it only becomes an issue when you get to ~350+ kilos.
The lift I was talking about was in competition, in a suit and with a sumo stance. Don’t think it’s recorded on tape, but he logged it in a German forum.
in a german forum he logs some of his training sessions. he reported that this was his second and last max-strength-train before the eisenhart-challenge (in the first he did somewhat like 405kg), which will take place at saturday..
i asked him, if he could imagine to concentrate on the deadlift to go for the world record.
he answered that the last time he mostly trained no singles (because it takes a lot of energy and higher reps are more effective for his strongman events), thus some other strongmen had bigger max-deadlifts (he mentions koklyaev, radzikowski, lalas, shalaei, hollands), but he was usually the strongest when it comes to deadlift for reps.
he believes that with a good preparation he could do 430kg.
Hey guys,
I am using an old Schnell or Eileiko bar in this video. Cant remember exactly but I think its a compeition Schnell bar. I will have a look tomorrow when I go training.
I never lifted in Sumo Style.
The 405kg the week before and this one were my only preparation for the competition, cause before I was competiting at the Worlds Strongest Man and after at some several strongman competitions.
At the competition my opener was 400kg and really easy. At my second lift at 415kg I heard a pop in my back. I had some problems the last couple weeks with my sacroiliac joint and it was popping back into right place when i pulled 415. i couldnt walk right after but its not that serious cause I did the Strongman Champions League in SErbia the week after were I endet up with 3. Place.
Great lifting Martin, thanks for taking the time to comment here.