Various news sites report that Maxim Sheyko (2012 European Silver medalist) set a new (unofficial) Clean & Jerk World Record with a 239kg Clean & Jerk. 1kg more than David Bedzhanyan’s 238kg.
The event took place 18. August at a city festival in Sakhalin Kholmsk. Sheyko totaled 430kg with a 191kg Snatch and 239kg Clean & Jerk.
First to find videos, gets ATG bonus points, which add 10kg to your total. Go, go, go! is this it?
I hope not because that’s 212 :<
Seems to be from the right competition, but as @ec2dcd0510b2efd64f56b330707bac4f:disqus said, it’s 212kg, maybe his first attempt.
I hope i’m not right with my next prediction but maybe his 430 total is a typo and it’s 403? 191+212=403
The ‘meet’ itself looks almost like a showcase for fun. I very much hope that he did CJ 239 though, his technique is better than other top 105s and in this video he looks alot more filled out than in the past. I believe he has been caught once for doping from russian internal tests but was never banned.
I hope that’s not true, but it certainly could be :/
An open air venue at a town festival is not exactly where you would expect world record Clean & Jerks go down.
idk, outdoors, party balloons, children running around in the background, seems pretty official to me