Update: A redditor made a video of him preparing meat slop (via).
Update: Silverhydra posted a very detailed step by step guide on how to make Meat Slop
A simple and tasty recipe by silverhydra.
Meat Slop:
- 1kg ground beef
- 1 head of cabbage (shredded)
- Large can of tomato paste (and just enough water to not burn the food)
- Diced onions, garlic, and whatever else you want to add (peppers, beets, etc.)
- Spices
All in a large ass pot, cook until all meat is browned.
The cabbage volumizes the 1kg of meat to resemble 2kg of meat and itself contributes no real taste or scent of it’s own. The final product is a slightly tomato flavored pile of meat and whatever else you added. Its amazing for a cutting diet as you get boatloads of fiber and protein for little calories. Very filling and cheap to make.
If you’re bulking you can add beans, although make sure to soak them as the cooking method here is not conducive to deactivating the phytohaemagglutinin (lectin) content of the beans, but actually exacerbates the activity if not pre-soaked.
If you want to get fancy you can also just put it on top of some other steamed veggies as a caloric ‘sauce’ of sorts. If you want to have some more calories just put some of the meat slop into a wrap with some cheese.
How big of a pot do you use?
The biggest you own.
Here is how I make it https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=458qMnO8GV0