Today I learned…
If you ever wondered what that metallic taste is after intense workouts.
It’s called Exercise Induced Pulmonary Hemorrhage (EIPH) and it’s actually blood from your lungs.
EIPH is an exercise-induced pulmonary hemorrhage. It sounds a lot worse than it is. It’s high blood pressure acting on small blood vessels in your lungs. A simple cure? Go easier on your exercising. It (in most cases) does not do any permanent damage and, therefore, requires no treatment.
It’s not rare and it doesn’t mean you’re necessarily out of shape. It has presented itself in previously healthy patients. (via)
I never knew this had an actual name. Truth be told, I was never bothered by this, and it doesn't happen often, but it's good to know it's not anything to worry about when it does.
Yeah, as long as you don't cough blood you're good.
I haven't had this problem before but just did some sprint intervals over 2 miles with walking breaks in between the 1 minute sprints. Could taste blood in my mouth. But was not bleeding. It has me worried. I feel fine now that I've rested.
Sounds exactly like EIPH. So noothing to worry about.