This is why Misha is the most well rounded strength athletes of our time.
After 2 years of not training the Olympic lifts (in the video he says that he last snatched in April and got 175kg and had not snatched since) Mikhail Koklyaev busts out a 192.5kg Snatch!
Afterwards he says:
This movement just cant be erased from my body
I want to not lift for 2 years and then come back and hit something, from a low hang, about 20 kgs away from a world record.
I bet his eyelids are a strong as my jaw…
Sounds like the conjugate method to me. If I’m not mistaken the muscle of the jaw is the strongest muscle of the body pound for pound.
Man, he’s on fire these days!
Honestly how is that possible?
I love this bloke, the way he just enjoy’s what he does, the buzz he gets from doing something he’s really good at, makes me want to go lift something heavy (for me) every time.