Mikhail Koklyaev wants to deadlift 412 kg (907 lbs) for a double.
Not this time.
More Misha Deadlifts.
Update: In the description Misha shared his thoughts on the Olympic selection:
War is a place where you can kill, but there is a chance to die. There are power sports, where necessary and possible to use steroids to kill(wins) opponents, but there is a chance of dying. Sport life gives everyone a choice and sometimes she chooses who and what to be like an athlete. Olympic Games is a show where you have no right to be free and to choose the weapon for combat, but sometimes one can buy, and this is not Fair Play. At the Olympic you see, hear and believe what they say. What a spectacular show, the more expensive it is, so it’s a lot of money, where big money there corruption. Feir pley for the money it is not fair play, its money play. You choose ? I choose and its my real life with loos , victoris and risk to die, but STRONGMAN SPORT its brutal truth and real FAIR PLAY !!!!
Loving the chairs by the wall
The chairs are awesome. Looks like he wasn’t “mentally there” for the second rep. The man is still a freaking beast! Very impressive.
I get his comment but makes it seem like he is a little butt hurt that he wasn’t good enough to make the team. Still sick pulls would love to see him back full time in strongman again.
Which comment do you mean?
In the description on the youtube video he goes on about how olympics are not fair because of politics and steroids easier for some then others. I think he was trying to explain why he gave up on oly lifting and the olympics but it came out bad imo.
Ah thanks. It wasn’t on there when I posted the video. Going to add this to the post.