Kelly Starrett’s just launched its redesign.
They greatly improved the search function. The old mobility WOD videos will remain free.
New Features
- Search episodes by body part, movement, sport, injury etc.
- Daily RX – a Daily Mobility Prescription
- MWOD Pro (I already signed up) Subscription based, more advanced and in-depth diagnostic and mobilization tools ($85/ Year, or $9 for one month non recurring). Has
Weekly updated Episodes, Movement tutorials, addresses for common musculoskeletal complaints, Quick reference video library of techniques, Movement theory, Exercise prescriptions for training injured athletes, Training prescriptions and precautions for special populations (i.e. arthritis, total hip, postpartum), Anatomy tutorials
- Webinars
- Community Forum where you can post your dysfunctions
Overall it looks like a great companion for the Supple Leopard book.
Hi Gregor,
I’m thinking about subscribing to MWOD pro but just wanted to know what you’ve thought about it since you are subscribing to it. Has it been a good investment? Better than the free stuff he put up?
I like it. Lots of new things (more anatomy, injury focus) as well as stuff you have already seen.For me I like to be surrounded by these topics on a daily basis, just to refresh and expand my knowledge.
Today (3.6.2013) Kelly did his first webinar called “The Athletic Shoulder: Anatomy, Physiology & Function” which was very informative. I think when you sign up you will be able access a recording of it too.
For me it is well worth the 10 bucks per month.
Thanks Gregor. That’s awesome. I’ll probably sign up. Cheers.
Give the 8.99 for one month (non recurring) option a try.