Meanwhile in Egypt …
Mohamed Ehab (69kg) gets a new Clean & Jerk PR.
185kg. Slowly closing in on Liao Hui’s recent 198kg World Record.
Also this is just 20kg less than what he Front Squats (205kg).
Update: YouTube Version
Post by Mohamed Ehab.
And after his 165kg Power Clean & Jerk here is Mohamed Ehab (69kg) with a 130kg Power Snatch.
Post by Mohamed Ehab.
Update: 151kg oss blocks for good measure.
Post by Mohamed Ehab.
Update: YouTube Version
Update 01.03.2014: 133kg x3 Power Snatch
Post by Mohamed Ehab.
Update 25.06.2014: 140kg Power Snatch
Post by Mohamed Ehab.
Im willing to bet he gives Liao hui a really hard time in Rio. If he doesnt get injured, the 69kg weight class is definitely going to be one of the best to watch
I certainly hope so. Still a lot can happen in 2.5 years and the Chinese won’t sleep either.
liao has snatched above 170 +clean and jerked 210 in training lol
not trying to belittle this man’s accomplishment of 185kg cj, (185kg cj at 69kgs is amazing), but pretty much every competitive international 69kg guy has probably done over 185 clean and jerk in training, they are just not putting up videos on youtube all the time
liao hui does 210kg in the C&J in training, so mohamed ehab is still quite a way off. not to mention they’re probably the same bodyweight in training. gaining 20-30kg on your lifts while staying at the same bodyweight is no easy task for an experienced weightlifter. my theory is that in order to make a change like that that you need to change your technique significantly and make everything more mechanically efficient