Another Mark Rippetoe quote.
This time from Strong Enough?
If your expectations are always those of someone content to live without physical challenge, then when it comes time for mental, moral, or emotional challenge you fail to meet it because you are out of practice.
Meeting and overcoming obstacles are skills that can be honed, as opposed to talents with which we are born. The best way to prepare for the inevitable shit that life occasionally hands us all is to live in a way that prepares you for it.
If you can treat personal tragedy like a heavy set of 20 squats, you’ll do better than someone who has never met any challenge. Intentionally placing yourself in the position of having to complete a task when you don’t know if you can is the single best way of preparing to be in that position unintentionally.
And that, my friends, is the way your training should be approached, so that you get more out of it than just “wellness”.