Naim Suleymanoglu 190kg Clean and Jerk in the 60kg weight class.
Mark Rippetoe:
What you’ll see is that he takes about two or three pulses of pull in order to get his weight from his toes back onto the middle of his foot before the bar leaves the ground. In other words, he’s using those little tugs to pull the slack out of his hamstrings after he sets his lumbar spine. That’s essentially what’s going on. [via]
This is not correct. Naim rocks heel to toe several times, lowers his hips, pushes down on the bar before pulling upwards. Lifters cock their hips, lower their hips up and down to build energy in the hamstrings or briefly break the bar off the floor, set it back down then begin the actual lift as in the case Of Salimi of Iran, or Tsarukeava of Russia.