Blast from the past …
In 2002 Oleg Perepetchenov snatched 177.5kg at 77kg!
This was at the 2002 Russian Championships in Kursk. Video of the competition here.
Thanks to BP for submitting.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Blast from the past …
In 2002 Oleg Perepetchenov snatched 177.5kg at 77kg!
This was at the 2002 Russian Championships in Kursk. Video of the competition here.
Thanks to BP for submitting.
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I wonder how Oleg feels about Lu Xioajun being such a super star even though he hasn’t beaten his lifts yet. I look forward to his eventual 211.
except Olegs best snatch in international comp was “only” 170
You’re picking at nonsense points.
” I wonder if I can beat Lu if I didnt take Anabolic Steriods?”
Because Lu must be squeaky-clean, right? Let’s just assume that all the top guys are on a level playing field in this regard.
Wow that’s a beautiful snatch!
And a beautiful C&J, too. Both lifts are stunning.
beautiful Clean, his jerks were ugly and the only thing holding him back from destroying records.
I see nothing ugly about his jerks. You’re the only one, anywhere, seeing what is not there.