Glenn Pendlay gives a quick rundown of the weightlifting training schedule at the OTC.
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- training two times per day
- morning mostly snatch stuff, 4-5 exercises
- afternoon mostly clean and jerk stuff, 4-5 exercises
- Monday is concentrated on high blocks
- Wednesday on blocks below the knee
- Friday from floor
Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday
- mostly lighter stuff
- more of the power versions of the lifts, where the other days are more of the full versions
- Squats 3 days per week
- Add to this an early morning session each day which is mostly calesthenics, like pushups situps pullups and stuff
If you want to drill down into the details check the complete sample workout for a 69kg females.
What exercise is this?
"1. Sn Pr, Squatting"
Finding your Snatch PR, then Squatting?