In the latest Weightlifting Talk Podcast Episode Jon North talked about a warm-up exercise he does regularly.
He calls them Overhead Tigger Squats.
Basically an Overhead Squat with some bounces combined with shifting the weight from one foot to the other and some duck walking.
Here is the Weightlifting Talk Episode, the part is at around 9:10.
Before some of you get up in arms about it (like you alway do in Jon North posts): Try it and see if you like it. If you don’t, that’s fine too. Just don’t start flaming in the comments. It’s just one drill in the big warm up drill buffet.
Keep comments constructive and above youtube quality levels.
catalystathletics [dot] com/blog/blog.php?blogID=1769 seems a bit more sensible
Except that was meant as a fix for people who drop snatches all the time.
The exercise posted above is simply meant as a warm-up.
Pretty sure every weightlifter in the world has done this at some point
Right, but that doesn’t mean every beginner knows about it. Hence the post.
Rick is probably implying that since a lot of lifters have done a similar warm up such as the one posted that it is unlikely that people will get “up in arms” about it, despite Jon North being a proponent of this kind of warm up. I have never duck walked intentionally, but I definitely have tried pausing up and down at various positions while maintaining balance in the snatch recovery as a warm up. I warmed up with it more frequently when I was a beginner and it might’ve helped me correct my back position on the catch/recovery… I also tried doing this with my eyes closed and that definitely aided my proprioception.
You wouldn’t believe what kind of comments I had to delete, even with the disclaimer … Some people just read Jon’s name and loose it from there.
The video sounds like the narrator is really, really enjoying watching her bottom position…