Hysen Pulaku (77kg) with some big lifts.Snatch 155 kg and C&J 197 kgHe also went for 160kg and 200kg here and here. … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Hysen Pulaku (77kg) with some big lifts.Snatch 155 kg and C&J 197 kgHe also went for 160kg and 200kg here and here. … [Continue reading]
Glenn Pendlay had some success treating tendonitis using compression bands. A tip he got from Kelly Starrett who talked about it here, here and here. Check out more drills on Mobility 101. Kevin Cornell seems to be not exactly overjoyed … [Continue reading]
Here are a couple of explosive push & pull gymnastics exercises.Parallel Bars Dips JumpsToe Touch L Sit Pull Ups … [Continue reading]
That Giuliano Stroe kid again.This time with continuous front pulls and back pulls on rings.That shoulder mobility! … [Continue reading]
From 2009, this is Vartan Kukasyan (94 kg lifter) with a 180 kg Snatch.That Roaaar!Thanks to the reader who submitted this via the Blog Input Form. … [Continue reading]
Jesse Burdick helps Max Aita with his Sumo Deadlift form.Biggest issue here: keeping a more neutral spine.Errors:hips to low, he squatted the weight of the floortoo big of an arch in lower backFixes:packing the neck locks thoracic … [Continue reading]
Part of knowing who you are is knowing who you are not. - Mark Bell … [Continue reading]
Hydrated or Dehydrated?Print that Urine Color Chart and pin it next to your urinal :)via Flowing Data via Boy Scouts of America … [Continue reading]
After a longer hiatus Grip Strength Radio with Jedd Johnson and Jim Smith is back.Topics:establishing World Grip Organization with weight classes (59kg, 66kg, 74kg, 83kg, 93kg, 105kg, 120kg, +120kg)training for 1 inch dumbbell … [Continue reading]