Read about Calves Training with Vince Gironda.Here is a little primer on calf training explaining how to target the different calves muscles.Donkey Calf Raise (video with dip belt) - focuses on gastrocStand on a 4-inch-high … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Read about Calves Training with Vince Gironda.Here is a little primer on calf training explaining how to target the different calves muscles.Donkey Calf Raise (video with dip belt) - focuses on gastrocStand on a 4-inch-high … [Continue reading]
Head on over to Cathletics and read Greg Everett's "Six Truths of Weightlifting Technique".The lifter and barbell system must remain balanced over the feet.The barbell and lifter must remain in close proximity to each other.There must be no time … [Continue reading]
Here is a "skinny" (sub 105kg), 21 year old Evgeny Chigishev.This is from the 2001 European Weightlifting Championships.Snatch: 195kgClean&Jerk: 227.5kg2 years later he won the 2003 Europeans with 207.5kg + 240kg in the … [Continue reading]
In case you need ideas for how to prepare your eggs. Check out this thread with simple yet different egg recipes. adding black beans to scrambled eggs Huevos rancheros Omelet Muffins - You can bake them in a muffin tin for about 10-15 min at … [Continue reading]
Here is your daile dose of Kelly Starrett. This time a snippet from a CrossFit Movement and Mobility Semininar.He shows a three-part movement drill designed to assess hip mobility.Complete video here.h … [Continue reading]
Frank Rothwell uploaded the 1999 World Weightlifting Championships +105 kg21 year old Hossein Rezazadeh with a 206kg World Record Snatch.Also: Gennadiy Krasilnikov has huge quads. Athlete BW Snatch Clean & Jerk … [Continue reading]
Here is what a deadlift day with Konstantin Konstantinovs looks like.Stuff like 350 kg x 5, 400 kg x 1 (and holding it) and trap bar deadlifts up to 370 kg. … [Continue reading]
Here is a compilation of rare gymnastics skills.Mind bending athleticism.via Gymnastics CoachingAlso this... … [Continue reading]
Kelly Starrett posted part 2 of the squat MWOD series (part 1, part 3). 3 Squat specific mobility drills to get your hips through full range of motion. MWOD: 2 minutes each side banded hip extension couch stretch band distracted end … [Continue reading]