When Misha talks about squat technique you better listen.... Even if you don't understand a word of Russian. … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
When Misha talks about squat technique you better listen.... Even if you don't understand a word of Russian. … [Continue reading]
Here is a warm up drill to mobilize your shoulders for the overhead position.Matt Wichlinski's shoulder warm up Sots Press drill.From: Matt Wichlinski's Training Compilation … [Continue reading]
Here is one way to to keep your squat session short and intense. Max Aita going from 0 to 600 lbs (272 kg) squat in 30 seconds. … [Continue reading]
A study published by Canadian researchers in Science Translational Medicine confirmed what many athletes already knew.Study: "Massage Therapy Attenuates Inflammatory Signaling After Exercise-Induced Muscle Damage"intense bicycle trainingone … [Continue reading]
Read Donny Shankle's post on Board Jumping for quicker feet.Looks like a nice CNS shocker.Reps: 3Sets: 5Duration: 5 minutesPlacement in Training: Use the exercise the day prior to maxing out. Also, always end the training session with this … [Continue reading]
Jon North has Part 2 of of the Hit and Catch Drill for the snatch. … [Continue reading]
Edit: I didn't realize that the video were on auto play (I have flash disabled by default)Sorry for that. Nobody hates auto play more than me.Here are some random Chinese weightlifting training hall videos.Su Dajin and Lu Xiaojun … [Continue reading]
Read Justin's post on workout duration, rest and the hormonal response.Good strength programs will include two, maybe three primary lifts with one or two assistance exercises. The average number of lifts or exercises included in a session is three or … [Continue reading]
Kevin Cornell has 3 knee joint stretches to improve the bottom position of the squat. Hold each stretch for 2-3 sets, 30 seconds, each leg. Check out more drills on Mobility 101. … [Continue reading]