Meanwhile at Average Broz's Gym.Rob Adell does a 272.5 kg / 600 pound RAW (no gear), ATG squat. Age 21, 96kg (211 pounds) - 2.84 x Bodyweight. … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile at Average Broz's Gym.Rob Adell does a 272.5 kg / 600 pound RAW (no gear), ATG squat. Age 21, 96kg (211 pounds) - 2.84 x Bodyweight. … [Continue reading]
Here is a useful tool: Kinovea, "a free and open source solution for video analysis." Check out the features. Especially how to track objects or body joints. Comes in very handy if you want to analyse the bar path in your Olympic lifts. To … [Continue reading]
A redditor shares his breakfast eggs variation.via: Are your eggs boring? Try this!1) Heat a frying pan to med/low heat and add olive oil.2) Cover the bottom of the pan with thinly sliced tomato and add garlic to taste. Salt is optional.3) When … [Continue reading]
Here is a video of the 2002 Russian Grand Prix.Among the lifters are Marcin Dołęga, Ronny Weller, Hossein Rezazadeh, Andrei Chemerkin and others. Lifter Snatch Clean & Jerk Andrei Chemerkin 185 kg, 195kg, x200kg (lost his … [Continue reading]
The Naked Scientist Podcast has an episode on Vitamin D.(SFW)Could a ray of sunshine hold the key to preventing MS, diabetes and even bowel cancer? Vitamin D - made naturally in skin exposed to strong sunlight - appears to reduce the risk of … [Continue reading]
Footage from the 2002 Russian Weightlifting Championships.Some big lifts by Andrei Chemerkin, Mikhail Koklyaev (C&J 240 kg) and others. … [Continue reading]
Yesterday on the All Things Gym Facebook Page (click LIKE and spread the word) I posted 2 videos of Donny Shankle lifting at the PWA Championships. Here are some more videos of 19 year old Albanian Hysen Pulaku (77kg). Height: 170 cm / … [Continue reading]
Kelly Starrett has a little pre workout hip mobility WOD for better squats. MWOD: spider man lunge stretch twist your torso into your knee (belly button to knee), fixate foot with hand other side, push the knee out with your hand same … [Continue reading]
Jim Liard deadlifts 315 lbs + 360 lbs of Chains … [Continue reading]