Mikhail Koklyaev not only lifts humans, he also throws weights up for height.Here is Misha throwing a 25kg weight 5.82 m (19 feet 1 inch) in the air. … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Mikhail Koklyaev not only lifts humans, he also throws weights up for height.Here is Misha throwing a 25kg weight 5.82 m (19 feet 1 inch) in the air. … [Continue reading]
It's International Bench Press Day.So here are 5 ways to overcome sticking points (not only) on the Bench pressisometrics - from the Greek the prefixes "iso" (same) with "metric" (distance), meaning that in these exercises the length of the … [Continue reading]
Kelly Starrett has 3 drills to asses & work on your upright torso position.Test:jump from kneeling position jump and land in the bottom squat position, knees out, torso slightly leaned forwardsame thing with hands behind the hand to simulate … [Continue reading]
John Meadows does some bent over barbell rows with a cambered bar. Looks like a great piece of equipment. He says:I'm not a big fan of tradtional barbell rows unless done in a Smith machine or with a cambered bar. The cambered bar allows you to … [Continue reading]
Shane Hamman with his 457.5 kg World Record Squat and 237.5 kg American Record Clean & Jerk … [Continue reading]
Here is a creative ad from the 2008 Olympics by the German Olympic Sports Confederation (Deutscher Olympischer Sportbund). "If you don't move, you get fat" - Fat David … [Continue reading]
Live this weekend The Raw Unity Powerlifting Meet.When: Starts at 9:00 AM CST (3:00 PM UTC)Some of the lifters taking part.Becky EsqJamie LewisJoe MorrowSam ByrdJohnnie Jackson … [Continue reading]
Here is Jaroslaw Olech's 365.5 kg Squat (@ 72.78 kg, that's 5x his body weight!) from the 2011 IPF World Championships. Complete meet videos can be found here (74kg Squat, Bench Press, Deadlift 1 & 2). Here is a little documentary about … [Continue reading]
Here is a video of a Strongman Seminar with Laurence Shahlaei.Squats, deadlifts, log lifts, farmers walks, yoke carry, inch dumbbell... … [Continue reading]