Joe DeFranco has this little core crusher for you.Slowly roll out on a foam roller. … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Joe DeFranco has this little core crusher for you.Slowly roll out on a foam roller. … [Continue reading]
This will motivate you to hit the gym hard today.Matt Wichlinski posted a compilation of his recent training.And as always this guy is a true inspiration.Lots of strength and explosive power training.Training for Football being awesome. … [Continue reading]
After discussing proper bench press technique, Shane Sweatt explains the the various bench press. grip widths.3 grips for speed work, wide, middle, closekeep a straight wrist position, also helps lock outif you wrap your … [Continue reading]
Check out this thread "I call this "bodybuilder pizza" and it is easy and delicious."As one commenter notesBasically, buy a pizza and shove 1lb of chicken on it.Ingredients:1 pound chicken breast (I use Gold 'n Plump split breasts)medium sweet red … [Continue reading]
Goeff has a 10 min home workout for you to try.3x 12 ladder body rows (hold on last 3 reps in each set)10 - 8 - 6 Candlestick pulls (body levers) and lemon-squeezer / V-ups2x 20 stair push-ups (incline press substitute)25 fast elbows in push-ups15 … [Continue reading]
Here is a recording of the event finals from the London 2012 Test Event.Rings start at 2hrs 40mResults:1 NABARRETE ZANETTI Arthur BRA 15.5332 MORANDI Matteo ITA 15.4333 RAMOS Tommy PUR 15.1004 PINHEIRO-RODRIGUES Danny FRA 5.0335 ANGIOLETTI Matteo ITA … [Continue reading]
Listen to Iron Radio Podcast Episode 139.Link to MP3 (right click + save as)Topic: Topic Fixing Novice Mistakes and how to fix themWhat are common mistakes that beginner or even intermediate lifters make? And perhaps more … [Continue reading]
Zhong Qixin climbs a 10m wall (1:03 to 1:10). … [Continue reading]
Here is a big lift by Oleg Perepetchenov. 220 kg Clean and Jerk @ 85kg Body Weight This was done in a local meet in March 2010. Oleg totaled 395 that day (175+220), age 34. And as one commenter pointed out: This was done a few years ago in a … [Continue reading]