Li Hongli (77kg) winning Gold at the 2005 WWC77kg and swole like a bodybuilder.Snatch: 165 kg C&J: 196 kg … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Li Hongli (77kg) winning Gold at the 2005 WWC77kg and swole like a bodybuilder.Snatch: 165 kg C&J: 196 kg … [Continue reading]
"Gymnast, Acrobat, Equilibrist, Performer, Mover and a handstand teacher" jube73 uploaded some impressive as well as educating handstand training videos. First the impressive. Hand Balancing while rotating on canes... Here is how a … [Continue reading]
Here is an interesting read. How muscle fatigue originates in the head.Researchers discovered neuronal processes for the first time that are responsible for reducing muscle activity during muscle-fatiguing exercise.Listen to the article: … [Continue reading]
Get Yoked with heavy shrugs.Renat Kimmer shrugs 520kg! (1144 lbs)via Two Scoops. Get Huge. … [Continue reading]
Here is an awesome little 531 Routine calculator excel spreadsheet. (via)It makes an A6 sized printable card.Perfect if you don't want to schlepp around your smartphone in the gym.Instruction:Go here.Under 'File', choose 'Edit … [Continue reading]
Wonder how to train to become a navy SEAL?Check out the 306 page Navy SEAL Physical Fitness Guide.Download (right click + 'save as')Contents:Chapter 1 - Overview of Physical FitnessChapter 2 - SEAL Mission-Related Physical ActivitiesChapter 3 - … [Continue reading]
The CrossFit Journal posted a documentary about Ben and Owen Franks (whom you may remember from the video of him training the Oly lifts with Mike Burgener)Both are professional rugby players for the All Blacks.Part 1:Download … [Continue reading]
How about almost 3 hours of Ed Coan lifting footage?There you go.Ed Coan DeadliftEd Coan BenchEd Coan Squat(via) … [Continue reading]
Here is Latvian super heavyweight Viktors Ščerbatihs in the training hall.Some snatches, clean and jerks and Good Mornings with 180 kg! … [Continue reading]