Jim Schmitz discusses the pros and cons different Jerk grip widths. Pros Cons Close Grip(shoulder width) "you can drive the bar straight up using your arms at the beginning, and when the bar is overhead, your skeleton is … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Jim Schmitz discusses the pros and cons different Jerk grip widths. Pros Cons Close Grip(shoulder width) "you can drive the bar straight up using your arms at the beginning, and when the bar is overhead, your skeleton is … [Continue reading]
Here is the video of the 1988 Seoul Olympics Featherweight (56–60 kg) class. Watch a 22 year old Naim Suleymanoglu beat Stefan Topurov and Ye Huanming. Body Weight: 59.87 kg (132 lbs) Attempt #1 Attempt #2 Attempt … [Continue reading]
Mikhail Koklyaev needs no bumper plates. … [Continue reading]
Now here is a manly Barbell Complex. (named the Shankle Complex)Donny Shankle doing3 x Pulls with Shrugs1 x Hang Clean2 x Jerk... with 190 kg. Like a toy. (Edit: Here he tries it with 200 kg)Here is what Glenn Pendlay has to say:The … [Continue reading]
Here is a short interview with Ilya Ilyin - 2011 94 kg World Champion, as well as 2008 Olympic Gold medalist. The interview was recorded pre - Beijing 2008. Q: What does a typical day's training consist of, for the Olympic training? A: On a … [Continue reading]
Over at Cal Strentgh the guys are trying something new for their snatches.An exercise we got from Zygmunt (Smalcerz), snatching with no hook grip and with no foot movement.And over at his forum Glenn Pendlay goes into a bit more detail:The lack … [Continue reading]
You may remember Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps-Sweatt from the Bamboo Bench Press video. Here they are explaining the proper powerlifting style bench press. Notes: shoulders pressed back, shoulder blades tight together don't start with the … [Continue reading]
Head on over to 70s Big. Justin wrote another post about Foot Drills that will fix your collapsed arch. I will give these Foot Drills by Russ Ebbets a try. Done daily these six drills will eliminate shin splints, Achilles’ tendonitis, plantar … [Continue reading]
Here is a 90 minute video playlist of Jump Stretch founder Dick Hartzell. Here are some Jump Stretch rubber band stretching routines. via Flex Bands for Sports: I especially like this squat band stretch. Go to Dave Draper's site for … [Continue reading]