When to train? That's the question Iron Radio Podcast #137 focuses on.Link to mp3: here (right click and 'save as')I'm a mid morning type person.Sometimes I train fasted, sometimes I have a shake or some oatmeal. And after my coffee I'm pretty much … [Continue reading]
Kakhi Kakhiashvili 188kg Snatch World Record

*9th April 2015 - Update* Ironmind has uploaded Kakhi's Snatch Series in HD! World Record Wednesdays. After Jon North's 166kg American record snatch in the 94kg class here Kakhi Kakhiashvili with his still standing 188kg Snatch World … [Continue reading]
How To Planche Tutorial

Here is another How to Planche Tutorial.This time by richardburnze (the guy from here).He follows the concept of steady state cycles (SSC) from Gymnastic Bodies.Prerequisites: 3x30 seconds ofhandstands, all variationsL Sitplanche leanwrist … [Continue reading]
Mike Burgener Coaching Points

Mike Burgenergoes through some Olympic weightlifting coaching points. don't do a horizontal hip extension (no hip thrust), but a vertical jump breathe through the belly, not the chest, force the stomach out PNF stretching for the wrists and … [Continue reading]
Listen To Your Body Mark Rippetoe Quote

Listen to your body, especially if you don't like what it is telling you.- Mark Rippetoe(via) … [Continue reading]
Shahin Nassirinia & Hossein Tavakkoli Training Hall

Training Hall video of 2 Iranian weightlifters, Shahin Nassirinia and Hossein Tavakkoli. … [Continue reading]
Push-Up Weight Distribution Percentages

In case you wondered how much weight you move during a push-up, here's a chart from Zatsiorsky's Science and Practice of Strength Training (via). "Percentages of body weight supported by the hands during push-ups at various … [Continue reading]
Kakhi Kakhiashvili Training Hall Video

Here is some Kakhi Kakhiashvili footage of an IronMind Training Hall video.Snatch up to 170 kg, C&J up to 200 kg … [Continue reading]
How To Clean Rusty Weights
I was looking for some tricks on how to efficiently clean rusty weights.Luckily, a while back Ross posted about how he removed rust from from a set of used weights.Solution: a Coca Cola bath.I've summarized the original instructions with the bullet … [Continue reading]
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