Haven't posted any gymnastics / ring training stuff in a while...Here are the Men's Gymnastics E and F (aka the hardest) elements for Still Rings. … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Haven't posted any gymnastics / ring training stuff in a while...Here are the Men's Gymnastics E and F (aka the hardest) elements for Still Rings. … [Continue reading]
David Morgan, 3 time Olympian, 5 time Commonwealth Games winner looks back at his career and casually C&J 150 kg for another Masters World Record. Update: here is an interview with him on the Weightlifting World Podcast. And here he is … [Continue reading]
Here is a spreadsheet that generates your complete Starting Strength routine, warm-ups included. Instruction: Go to File - 'Make a Copy' to save it to you Google Docs or 'Download as' you can edit the yellow fields … [Continue reading]
Over at StrongLifts Mehdi announced the StrongLifts 5x5 iPhone app.It is a free app. Get it here.Got suggestions? Talk to the developers here.More info about StrongLifts 5x5 here and a summary here. … [Continue reading]
Here is a 11 minute Mark Rippetoe interview on PJTV."The Ironpundit: The Secrets of Strength and Barbell Training" … [Continue reading]
CrossFit Radio Episode #203 features an interview with John Beradi.So if you are interested in intermittent fasting download the mp3 (right click + 'save as').Starts at 4:50He detailed his six-month experiment with IF and shared his results. For … [Continue reading]
Here is a short documentary about Kakhi Kakhiashvili.Not in English, though i'm sure you'll like the footage lifting. … [Continue reading]
... and he's not even Russian or Chinese.Here is eleven year old Clarence Cummings with a double bodyweight clean and jerk.CJ is one of the hardest working athletes in the gym and should be commended for his work ethic and outstanding performance. CJ … [Continue reading]
Thanks to the anonymous reader who submitted the following 2 videos. They show the complete warm up routines of female Chinese weightlifter Cao Lei, who won gold at the 2008 Beijing Olympics. Definitely something to learn from. Warm up for the … [Continue reading]