Via Wikipedia comes the Strength/ Power/ Hypertrophy/ Endurance table of Mell Siff's Supertraining. Variable Training goal Strength Power Hypertrophy Endurance Load (% of 1RM) 80-90 45-55 60-80 40-60 Reps per … [Continue reading]
Homemade Compression Bands Mobility WOD

Kelly Starrett with another bondage Compression Bands mobility WOD. Tools: compression bands buy the Compression Bands from Rogue or make your own with some bicycle inner tubes. Split them in half. Et voilà. MWOD: compress the high … [Continue reading]
Behind the Neck Snatch Grip Military Press aka Klokov Press

Kevin Cornell is is back with another how to video. This time it's How to do a behind the neck Snatch Grip Military Press. You probably have seen Dmitry Klokov doing it in this video. 2-3 sets of 10 reps, keep it light Klokov with … [Continue reading]
L-Sit Tutorial

Carl Paoli has a quick 3 part L-Sit Progressions series. On Parallel Bars with tucked knees, keeping hips forward P-Bars L Sit Negatives Floor straddle L Sit drill … [Continue reading]
Soft Tissue Massage Resource Athletes Treating Athletes

This is worth a bookmark. Athletes Treating Athletes is a great resource for all your soft tissue needs.If the daily grind has taken its toll and caused some overuse injuries this site will be of value for you.It offers detailed explanations … [Continue reading]
"More than just wellness" Mark Rippetoe Quote

Another Mark Rippetoe quote.This time from Strong Enough?If your expectations are always those of someone content to live without physical challenge, then when it comes time for mental, moral, or emotional challenge you fail to meet it … [Continue reading]
Couch Stretch Mobility WOD

Kelly Starrett's first hip flexor torture Couch Stretch video. MWOD Episode 2 (first one was a 10 minute squat test). Crazy that this went up over a year ago... Check out more drills on Mobility 101. … [Continue reading]
2011 President’s Cup Weightlifting Videos

Here are the recordings of the men's 94kg, 105kg and +105kg at the 2011 President's Cup in Belgorod, Russia.Complete Results here.94kg Snatch94kg C&J105kg Snatch105kg C&JPart1 Part 2 with 238kg C&J World Record by David … [Continue reading]
Fixing The Donkey Kick

Here is Mark Rippetoe on the Donkey Kick (aka CrossFit Jump).The Donkey Kick is a misguided attempt to make explosions happen faster.If you have to do this, it's a bunch of wasted effort, because a whole bunch of energy got expanded moving your feet … [Continue reading]
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