Mikhail Koklyaev at the Russian Cup in St. Petersburg 2011.Misha took first place.Snatch: 190,190,200kgC&J: 225,240,248kgAlso check out the new 240kg C&J World Record by David Bejanyan. … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Mikhail Koklyaev at the Russian Cup in St. Petersburg 2011.Misha took first place.Snatch: 190,190,200kgC&J: 225,240,248kgAlso check out the new 240kg C&J World Record by David Bejanyan. … [Continue reading]
Here is a spreadsheet for Jim Wendler's 5/3/1 2nd Edition. Instruction: open the spreadsheet choose "File -> Make a Copy" to copy it to your Google Docs or download the spreadsheet via "File -> Download as" and choose your … [Continue reading]
Big boy Spencer Moorman does some gymnastics exercises.Headstand to Hamstringsheadstand holdroll forward into toe touch hamstring stretchreverse the whole movebackwards roll into a straddle stretch … [Continue reading]
Sometimes it's fun to look at the search terms people type into Google to arrive at this awesome blog.One that comes up pretty often is:How tall is Dmitry Klokov?Answer: 182cm (5 feet 11.7 inches) (source)So there you have it.Now go lift … [Continue reading]
In Paleo Solution Podcast #110 Greg Everett shares his opinion on using a mixed grip for deadlifts.Question is at 41:22 on straight leg deadlift grip.Notes:he does not use it (he's not a powerlifter)doesn't like position it puts the supinated … [Continue reading]
Found a Split Clen and and Jerk Sequence Poster via The Development of the Clean & Jerk, Part Four - David Webster.As mentioned in the image these are tracings from one of Ireneusz Palinsky's world record lifts.Frank Rothwell's … [Continue reading]
Here are some ideas on what to do with old whey containers.Top Idea:Survival kit to keep in your car. Change of clothes, toothbrush, money, bars, flashlight, radio, etc. (via)Honorable Mention:I like to fill them up with sugar and return them angrily … [Continue reading]
If you don't have the funds to get the Elite FTS Collegiate Power Rack check out this good looking homemade power rack built by a redditor. This looks like a great DIY project for your holidays. Here is the thread where you can ask … [Continue reading]
Paul from Lift Run Bang shares his 4 week routine to build bigger traps aka getting yoked.These mountains on his shoulders look much like Wendler's.MondayDynamic Deadlifts - up to a top triple for 2-3 sets, then regular shrugs to a top triple. … [Continue reading]