Herschel Walker: "I Do 3,500 Sit Ups. 750- 1500 Push Ups Every Day"Starts at 2:33Good example for when exercise becomes ritual.I think he confuses isometrics with bodyweight exercises. … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Herschel Walker: "I Do 3,500 Sit Ups. 750- 1500 Push Ups Every Day"Starts at 2:33Good example for when exercise becomes ritual.I think he confuses isometrics with bodyweight exercises. … [Continue reading]
If you are looking for an Olympic weightlifting program for beginnerscheck out Glenn Pendlay's A Training System for Beginning Olympic Weightlifters.He tells you not only what to do but why to do a given exercise (and how to chose them).So If … [Continue reading]
Aafter showing your how to do barbell back extensions, Kevin Cornell is back with some snatch grip back extension. in top position, bring the bar back to the torso, use your lats 3-5 sets 5-10 reps 3 days per week Variation: superset with … [Continue reading]
In case you need to explain the whole blood sugar / inlusin response deal to somebody.This might be handy … [Continue reading]
Ben Bruno shows you how to do lying leg curls at home.All you need is a bench and a dumbbell.Another option is to use a exercise /stability ballAlternating 1 Leg Eccentric Stability Ball Leg Curls … [Continue reading]
Paleo Solution Podcast Episode #109 starts with another rant about CrossFit 'programming'. +1 to that.Also interesting is Greg's take on shifting to a low volume weightlifting training during winter (starts at 15:50).Notes:lets you … [Continue reading]
Some Donny Shankle lifts from the 2011 American Open.Donny Shankle 157kg, 162kg SnatchDonny Shankle 203kg Clean and Jerk (missed 208kg twice) … [Continue reading]
If you have some pain in the outside of your knees Kelly Starrett wants you to try this little drill.unloads the knee by sitting down and have a rubber band pull on your legflex quads, hyperextend the knee a little … [Continue reading]
Marilou Dozois-Prévost was at Poliquin's and did some Bottom Pause Front Squats. Notes: longer time under tension -> restrict the reps per set to 2-4 eccentric portion of the exercise 3 to 4 seconds concentric portion is done … [Continue reading]