Here is some inspiration.At 60 years of age Bar-Barian Herbie Bowen is still going strong.He does lots of the basic bodyweight exercises.700 push ups10 sets of pull ups10 sets of dips5 days a week. Simple as that.No excuses! … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Here is some inspiration.At 60 years of age Bar-Barian Herbie Bowen is still going strong.He does lots of the basic bodyweight exercises.700 push ups10 sets of pull ups10 sets of dips5 days a week. Simple as that.No excuses! … [Continue reading]
Top-Down? Bottom-Up?Here is Kelly Starrett showing you how to get into a good starting position for the Olympic lifts. … [Continue reading]
Kelly Starrett shows you how to fix flat feet better squat.Problem: collapsed, flat feet, no arch -> an unstable squatFix: create torque in the hip first, externally rotate legs (knees out)et voilà - arch is restored and proper … [Continue reading]
Looking for a program to increase your Deadlift? Check out the Coan/Phillipi 10 week Deadlift Routine This is a 10-week deadlift program designed by the legendary powerlifter Ed Coan for Mark Phillipi. … [Continue reading]
Greg Everett answers a question on how to integrate high intensity CrossFit™ metcons into Olympic weightlifting programs.First, strength drives everything. [..]So what we see is a big need for local muscular endurance or stamina; what could … [Continue reading]
World Record Wednesdays with Leonid Taranenko 266kg Clean and Jerk - this is the largest amount ever lifted in competition … [Continue reading]
In case you missed it, here is Matt Kroc's AMA on r/weightroom. … [Continue reading]
Sweeping the Bar by Don McCauley.Purpose: getting an optimal pull on the bar, engaging the lats … [Continue reading]
The Dirty Dancing Drill by Don McCauley.Purpose: teaching how to extend / withdraw the hip quickly and activate the glutes10 of these withing 6 or 7 seconds … [Continue reading]