A taste of what's to come in tomorrow's ATG video. Valentin Hristov (62kg) snatching 130kg rather quickly. Update: Full video. More: Valentin Snatching 140kg … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
A taste of what's to come in tomorrow's ATG video. Valentin Hristov (62kg) snatching 130kg rather quickly. Update: Full video. More: Valentin Snatching 140kg … [Continue reading]
It's time for the 2016 University Worlds in Merida, Mexico. When: 14-17.11.2016 Hookgrip is down there and will get quality footage. Useful Links Start List (PDF) Schedule Live Scoreboard Live Stream Results Next … [Continue reading]
It's time for the Asian Youths and Juniors Weightlifting Championships in Tokyo! Hookgrip will be there for quality recordings. When: 11.11 - 15.11 Startlist (PDF) Channel with all recordings Live Stream (Shows recordings when it's … [Continue reading]
Here is the first training session of team China in the 2016 Youth Worlds training hall. The "hall" itself was an open air garage area on one of the ground floors of the meet hotel. Day 2 Featuring lots of Clean & Jerks. Like Song Huibing's … [Continue reading]
Here is another example of excellent youth lifting coming out of Colombia. 17 year old Hellen Escobar (63kg) snatching 93kg for third place behind China's Huang Shan (94kg Snatch) and Su Xiaohong (95kg Snatch). … [Continue reading]
Here are Yeison Lopez (77kg, 17) and Lesman Paredes (94kg, 20) in the 2016 Junior Worlds training hall. This was the session Yeison squatted 235kg x4 in. Highlights: 02:14 Lesman 100kg Muscle Snatch 03:28 Yeison 130kg Push Press … [Continue reading]
From the 2016 Youth Worlds ... 17 year old Huang Shan (63kg) snatching 94kg on her way to become 2016 youth world champion. She beat Su Xiaohong, who had a 1kg lead after the snatch, by clean and jerking 117kg. … [Continue reading]
From the 2015 Worlds Training Hall ... Here is Om Yun Chol (56kg, North Korea) light power session. He worked up to 100kg Snatches 140kg Power Clean & Jerks and finished the session with the usual Strict Presses. This was … [Continue reading]
Meanwhile in China ... Wu Jingbiao (56kg) snatches 142kg in training. 3kg above his own world record set in Houston 2015. More: watch his 143kg Snatch here. Meanwhile in China ... Wu Jingbiao (56kg) posted this 142kg Snatch on his … [Continue reading]