A highlight from Junior Worlds ... 17 year old Adkhamjon Ergashev (62kg, Uzbekistan) Snatching 130kg! … [Continue reading]
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
A highlight from Junior Worlds ... 17 year old Adkhamjon Ergashev (62kg, Uzbekistan) Snatching 130kg! … [Continue reading]
From the 2016 Junior Worlds ... It's not always big lifts that you see in training halls. Here are team Korea's junior lifters with Paused Overhead Squats and Paused Snatch Grip Deadlifts (with up to 1 minute long holds!). This was after … [Continue reading]
Since I don't have enough footage to make a full 56kg warm up video, here is just a raw clip. Wu Jingbiao (China) Clean & Jerking 150kg Om Yun Chol (North Korea) Power Clean + Clean & Jerk 130kg You get the idea, one second you … [Continue reading]
From the 2016 Junior Worlds ... 19 year old Pak Jong Ju (62kg, North Korea) Snatching 131kg. This was good enough for silver behind Mo Yongxiang from China who went 137/170. Pak is the 2014 Youth Olympic Games Champion. 160kg Clean & … [Continue reading]
Here is a training session with 22 year old Lasha Talakhadze before he became Olympic champion. This was filmed in Tbilisi during Junior Worlds. Highlights: 00:18 Warm Up Start 01:40 Muscle Snatch 04:50 170kg No Hookgrip Snatch … [Continue reading]
Nice to see more older training videos pop up after Rio. Here is 105kg world champion Alexandr Zaichikov with a 251kg Rack Jerk from 2015! 251кг 2015 год A video posted by Alexandr Zaychikov (@sasha_iwf92) on Aug 21, 2016 at 9:47am PDT … [Continue reading]
Here are a couple of big lifts from Ruslan Nurudinov's 2014 and 2015 preparation. 205kg Snatch from 2014 June 2014.. 205 A video posted by Ruslan (@rnurudinov) on Aug 20, 2016 at 10:51pm PDT 250kg Rack Jerk from June 2014 … [Continue reading]
Another B Group Highlight from Rio ... 18 year old Neisi Dajomes (69kg Junior World Champion, Ecuador) going 107 + 135kg! More: Watch her Squat 160kg x4 in the Junior Worlds Training Hall. 107kg Snatch Video 135kg Clean & Jerk Video … [Continue reading]
Here is a training session with Daniyar Ismayilov which he did a couple of days before competing at Europeans in Norway. He worked up to easy 130kg snatches and 150kg clean and jerk. He went on to Snatch 155kg in competition. Watch it … [Continue reading]