Listen to Episode #100 of the Paleo Solution Podcast episode with John Welbourn
He was already on episode #86 and #94.
1. [16:13] Resources
2. [20:31] Potatoes
3. [31:38] CF Football without CF
4. [41:33] Saturated Fat & Carbs
John Welboun’s book recommendation
- Supertraining
by Mel Siff as reference
- collection of Powerlifting magazines
- A system of multi-year training in weightlifting by A. S Medvedev
- Special Strength Training: Manual for Coaches
by Yuri Verkhoshansky
- Explosive Power and Jumping Ability for All Sports
- and not to forget The River Cottage Meat Book
by Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall
Greg Everett’s book recommendations
- Science and Practice of Strength Training
by Vladimir M. Zatsiorsky
- Russian weightlifting manuals
- The Performance Menu: Journal of Health & Athletic Excellence
Robb Wolf’s book recommendations
- Powerlifting: A Scientific Approach
by Frederick C. Hatfield (Dr. Squat)
- Bodybuilding: A Scientific Approach
by Frederick C. Hatfield
John Welbourn’s CroffFit Footaball Programming without CrossFit
Day 1 – plyometrics, squat intensity, vertical push and horizontal assistance push, sprint volume (either vertical or changing direction)
Day 2 – sled drives / sled pushing, low rep intensity deadlifts, upper back pull, weighted pull ups, rows, littleback and abs work
Day 3 – off
Day 4 – speed day with sprinting, squat volume, horizontal push intensity with assistance and vertical push volume
Day 5 – plyometrics day, most of dynamic pulls like Power Cleans, Power Snatches, power shrugs, Starr shrugs from rack, weighted vertical pull (weighted chin ups ,pull ups) weighted abs work, ab wheel, med ball slams, med ball tosses against a wall
Day 6 – pure conditioning day, field work
Day 7 – day off