At Elite FTS Shaun Mirjavadi, gives some insights into combining periodization and MMA training.
Read: Periodization Training and MMA, Why All the Confusion?
Here is a nice workout schedule for someone working 9 to 5, Mon to Fri.
Skill Training (boxing/Thai boxing)
High intensity cardio – (interval sprints)Tuesday
Skill Training (boxing/Thai boxing)
Strength Work – Squats (4 sets, 5-10 reps) paired with Squat jumps (same sets and reps)
*Do one right after the other. Explode with your jumps as fast and high as possible. Complete both exercises for one set, repeat after a minute rest for the 4 sets.Bench press (4 sets, 5-10 reps) paired with Explosive Push-ups (same sets and reps)
*Again, do one right after the other. Think of each explosive push up as a max speed and power rep. Come to a complete rest at the bottom, for like a second, then explode right back up as hard as possible. Complete both exercises for one set, repeat after a minute rest for the 4 sets.Wednesday
Skill Training/ Sparring
do hard sparring rounds
Skill Training (boxing/Thai boxing)
work on the areas you feel that you were lacking in your sparring workoutFriday
Skill Training (boxing/Thai boxing)
High intensity cardio – up and down cardio might be an option here
For instance, I might call a combination, then a sprawl, then an immediate combo, then 5 push-ups, then another few combos, then down on your butt and back up quick for more combos, etc. for the full round. Five straight rounds of this should suffice.
Strength Work
Deadlifts (4 sets, 5-10 reps) paired with Forward Jumps (long jumps, same sets and reps)
*Jump forward in an explosive manner off both feet for as long a distance as possible. Again back and forth for the 4 sets, with a minute rest.
Pull Ups (4 sets, 5-10 reps) paired with Med ball slams (same sets and reps)
Thanks again Shaun.