You may remember Shane Sweatt and Laura Phelps-Sweatt from the Bamboo Bench Press video.
Here they are explaining the proper powerlifting style bench press.
- shoulders pressed back, shoulder blades tight together
- don’t start with the weight too far back
- feet wide, pushing in the groung, spreading the floor, flex glutes
- have a little arch in your back
- leave the head on the bench, don’t cave in
- on the way down, “break” the bar (external rotation = more torque)
- on the way up, “spread” the bar for optimal triceps activation
- straight bar path
- uneven extension (one side comes up faster) – not “stretching” the bar enough
Also check out How to Bench Press by the Diesel Crew.
great article
This is very good advice. I will have to put this into practice tomorrow and see if it will make it easier to bench 300 for a triple.
this technique is good for the raw presser too????
blaha says bench in a j path..not straight