Do you still train for gymnastics skill? If so, how do you integrate it with weightlifting?
No, I purely train for strength and size at the moment (and at least for the coming year).
But I still use bodyweight exercises (gymnastics exercises) as assistance exercises after main lifts.
Me too. Reasons behind are: not having a proper gym/coach, better conditioning of legs and easier load programming/perceiving. Nevertheless I think that introducing a short session of joint prep and statics at 50% of intensity in the morning of training days would be a viable way. My goal is to be like the beastskill guy. I will try in the summer, with hot mornings and a buzz haircut.
Sounds like a good goal.
Jim from beastskills is an awesome guy from what I hear and see.
Do you still train for gymnastics skill?
If so, how do you integrate it with weightlifting?
No, I purely train for strength and size at the moment (and at least for the coming year).
But I still use bodyweight exercises (gymnastics exercises) as assistance exercises after main lifts.
Me too. Reasons behind are: not having a proper gym/coach, better conditioning of legs and easier load programming/perceiving.
Nevertheless I think that introducing a short session of joint prep and statics at 50% of intensity in the morning of training days would be a viable way. My goal is to be like the beastskill guy.
I will try in the summer, with hot mornings and a buzz haircut.
Sounds like a good goal.
Jim from beastskills is an awesome guy from what I hear and see.
Did you see his recent 90 degrees push ups?
Yeah, but I skipped watching the clean in the end!
Some other guys I love and need a post on your blog are – german powerhouse jujimufu the famous trickstutorials owner (+his old BBuilder friend Antoine) has a load of comical videos like this
This guy started WL after tricking and he's a beast in both
and you already know Yuri aka bar8nmunchausen
Thanks for the suggestions.