Here is Rebeka Koha’s full session from her latest Bundesliga weightlifting competition (Chemnitzer AC vs AV Speyer).
This was the same competition as Max Lang’s Europeans Qualifier.
Rebeka went 3/3 in the snatch with 87, 90, 92kg.
In the clean and jerk she did 105, 109kg and then attempted a PR of 112kg!
- Watch the ATG Bundesliga Weekend Series in which I documented an entire competition weekend.
- Max Lang’s Europeans Qualifier with Snatch PR
i’m curious about what she thinks about the new adidas shoes if you guys talked about it at all. the heels are significantly higher than her old shoes – was it a conscious decision her and her coach made?
We didn’t talk about shoes.
How could you not? That’s what weightlifting is all about.