Here is Part 2 of the Bundesliga Weekend with Rebeka Koha & Ritvars Suharevs.
After the Friday evening session in Part 1 here, this video picks up the next day at 8:00 AM for a light pre-breakfast morning session.
Don’t forget that later that day they were set to compete! So this was just a light session to wake the body up.
- Ritvars: 100kg Snatch, 120kg Clean & Jerk
- Rebeka: 70kg Snatch, 85kg Clean & Jerk
This was followed by the obligatory ab & back work, as well as some light Military Presses and Lat Pull Downs.
Add in some massage and stretching, and we are looking at no more than 40 minutes total training time.
You will also learn that Ritvars started at the age of 6! He is from Dobele, the city where Viktors Ščerbatihs is from. Of course at this young age this training didn’t look like it does today. Coach Eduards Andruskevics explains that at age 13 they began to ramp up his training and got more serious about it.
Rebeka started at age 12, after she saw saw one of her classmates weightlift. That’s when she met the coach.
When I asked him about whether he saw early if Rebeka & Ritvars had talents for the sport, Mr. Andruskevics said yes, they showed characteristics that are favorable for weightlifting.
Some of the characteristics he looks for are:
- Dynamics, balance
- Power, leg strength, muscular development
- Ability to concentrate in competitions
If you have all that, he said:
It’s only work and the results go up.
And work they do!
i am well acquainted with Eduards and watched in person Ritvars and Rebeka develop progressively over the past quadrennial at the world competitions in which they competed. They continue to advance technically and in terms of their results, both outstanding.
Eduards is particularly focused on the details of technique i have observed, and this can be seen very graphically in these outstanding videos of Gregor’s.
A question is how many training sessions these lifters now do in a week, per day etc., as they both are still very young.
Perhaps Eduards could share his model training approach with the viewers of ATG.
Thanks Peter.
In general they use the Russian approach, but I can get into more details the next time I meet him.