Meanwhile in Russia …
Rinat Kireev (94kg) gets a 225kg Clean & Jerk.
Reader Viktor mentioned that this was their worlds selection test event.
According to him, Alexandr Ivanov and Apti Aukhadov did not have to take part in it.
- Oleg Chen got 155+175
- Artem Okulov 170+200
- Ramazan Rasulov – 185+220
- Rinat Kireev – 180+225
- David Bedzhanyan – 185+230
- Andrey Demanov – 185 225
- Dmitry Klokov 190+X
- Chingiz Mogushkov – 200+240
Also check out his 185kg Snatch from Blocks.
Love the coaches reaction in the background!
Do we have confirmation that klokov isn’t competing at worlds? Sure he didn’t total- but a 190 snatch would certainly be competitive. Probably a medal. But then again DB would be an almost lock for CJ silver/gold
Nope. Still nothing official from the Russians
Well,Chemerkin posted an article on facebook /
and Ruslan Albegov is not on the list. Maybe I missed something here but that would be a big disappointment for me.
Ahhh,I can post again!!! 😀
Hey, that is the rsport acrticle
Mentioned it here
Of course I missed that again, sorry Gregor 🙂
Also FTAR tweeted that there will be a press conference on October 16th regarding the departure of the team.
Not sure if they are doing some last minute poker games
final deadline was yesterday according to the official website
true, the iwf already has the final list from all federations, including Russia. They cant change the names after iwf official deadline date. Its just a matter if they want to share it with public.
and when will the iwf share this final list?
no idea, I just go by their final entry deadline memo on
Cant imagine any federation being able to change the names on the final entry list willy nilly after deadline
oke..regarding to polska-sztanga this is the final list from 10/6/13. If it its true, that since 10/4/13 nobody is allowed to change names, we will see klokov..
Again, it has the same Russian names on which Venkov called preliminary.
I will only take it as final, if the Russian Federation announces the team.
Klokov, Aryamnov, Dolega – this should be good.
In +105 – Udachyn, Bahador, Mogushkov.
I am very excite..
Well if Albegov is not competing Bahador will eat Mogushkov for breakfast. Such a shame! Anyone knows something about Albegov’s absence?
Its the year after the Olympics so he might be taking it easy not to mention hes already competed in and won Europeans and Universiade this year.
Well,that’s nice but this is THE competition of the year not the other two.I mean, universiade?? Man…
But I saw the newest so he might come 🙂
Who told you that Albegov’s gonna miss the worlds???
When I left that comment Albegov wasn’t on the list and it was said that it wouldn’t change.
So if Ivanov and Aukhadov didn’t have to compete does that mean they definitely ARE going or are definitely NOT going? I’m most excited to see them out of everyone on the Russian squad
It would only make sense if it meant they are both going. The only reason those two would not compete is if they were injured.
So they are going then according to the new start list. So much for Klokov, but the Russians need to put their best foot forward and unfortunately it isn’t his right now.
Indeed. It pains me that Klokov did not get another shot but he did mess around with too many deadlifts and crossfit exercises..
Watch, I bet Demanov and Bedzhanyan don’t even place.
Demanov over Klokov is a huge mistake. I can see Bedzhanyan being put there since he’s the frontrunner for CJ gold but Demanov has basically an outside chance at maybe bronze at either snatch/cj/total. At the very least Klokov is snatching silver/gold.
Demanov went over 230 in the C&J in the Universiade. I’ve got a feeling that he’s gonna lift about 415-420. Obviously Klokov wasn’t in that form. I think Demanov has a very good chance for a medal in the total. Because that is what counts.
I was assuming Klokov to be in good form vs. Dolega bombing out like London. Klokov posted an easy 190 3 months ago when he wasn’t in top form. Who knows though this may be for the best since Demanov is just moving in to 105s. He can easily medal and on the right day it might be silver+.
When you think about it, it’s pretty much anyone’s game in the 105s since they are likely to take 5kg jumps and not counting Aramnau they’re all within 5-10kgs of each other.
You’re right it can be pretty close and there is the chance for everyone to win it. And we shouldn’t forget that Aramnau and Dolega have to get rid of quite a few kilos from their bodyweight. That can cut down the lifts too. I mean 3 kgs overweight until the 94 kg cat and 4 kgs till 105kgs is very nice. You loose it and become much faster but not weaker. But those bodyweights seem pretty high for me.
I was expecting Klokov to become much stronger by now because he was practising with big weights and I thought he didn’t want to show the big snatches and C&J-s and suprise everybody at the end. It’s obviously not happened. To be honest I was expecting Muratov to be chosen. We don’t know lot of details here.
I was also expecting Muratov. Unless Demanov has really stepped up his game I don’t see him on the podium. This class is a lot more competitive than it’s been in recent years – Dolega representing the home turf, Aramnau back in action but in questionable form, Bedzhanyan with his monster c&j (and not-so-monstrous snatch), as well as a few dark horse lifters. Arroyo has an excellent snatch and could definitely find his way on the podium for that, and Bonk could turn the home field advantage into a medal in the total. All in all it’s shaping up to be a really good 105 category and a really good championship in general (94’s have 8 lifters with entry totals within 5kg of each other!). Couldn’t be more excited
I don’t think Aramnau is in questionable form and Bonk could get a medal but I agree with everything else you said. 9 days and counting… 🙂
I think Aramnau has been in questionable form since 2008. He managed 200/225 at Belarussian nationals quite a bit overweight and missing 2 c&j’s. While he certainly has the ability to produce a 420+ total something tells me that he will disappoint this year, although I would love to see another performance like Beijing.
Klokov posted easy 190 in training, Dolega did 192 in comp (polish nats) and missed 202, but wasnt far off. Though he was over 105 for sure.