After Rebeka Koha’s session, here is Ritvars Suharevs’ training session before Junior Worlds 2017.
Also look at the cool shirt he’s wearing ? Get your ATG pocket logo edition here.
A typical pre competition training session for the 18 year old. Ritvars is always super efficient with his training. He takes minimal breaks, does what he needs to do and never complains (except about being too tired, he always complains about that 😉 ).
He is joined by 16 year old Armands Mezinskis (85kg).
- Snatch up to 140kg
- Clean & Jerk up to 160kg
- Snatch Pull 160kg
- Front Squats to 180kg
- Overhead Presses
- Squat Jumps
- Abs
- Back Extensions
- Leg Curls
and he follows the bar to the ground! How often do you see that?
What shoes he and Rebeka using?
Adidas Leistung 16.2