Meanwhile in Russia …
With 245kg on the bar Ruslan Albegov takes the ATG Award for “Heaviest Clean + Front Squat + Jerk” from Chingiz Mogushkov.
Your turn Behdad 🙂
Thanks to Markus for sending this in.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in Russia …
With 245kg on the bar Ruslan Albegov takes the ATG Award for “Heaviest Clean + Front Squat + Jerk” from Chingiz Mogushkov.
Your turn Behdad 🙂
Thanks to Markus for sending this in.
Hi, I run ATG.
Follow me on instagram @gregorwinter (and ATG @atginsta).
he claimed to be “not strong” in an interview recently…World Champion, Universiad champ, Bronze in Olympics…then this. He’s pretty freaking strong.
I can only make assumptions but probably he ment that he’s rather fast and has great technique than being strong. Some lifters lack speed and/or technique and lift more with brute strength. Maybe he was refferring to his since he is obviously strong.
Sure…I’m mainly being silly. He’s amazingly fast and his skill is incredible. But how any one who can clean and jerk 255 can claim to be “weak” is kinda funny to me:)
Weak relative to the other people in the world who can clean and jerk 255.
very good point. I guess that makes it more impressive in a way—I guess his technique is that efficient.
I think he referred to his PR-s in the pulls and squats.
Chingiz outpulls him and outsquats him…
But never comes close to him in the C&J…