Update 18.05.2015: Dmitry Klokov’s Video from Week 1.
Featuring an interview with Justin.
Update 15.05.2015:
- Added Justin’s Week 2 Update Below. Click here to jump straight to it.
Update 11.05.2015: Dmitry Klokov’s Video from Week 1.
Update 10.05.2015:
Week 1 done. Jump to the Update below.
Currently a bunch of weightlifting fanatics from around the world have gathered in the Chekhov training base in Russia to attend what looks like one of the coolest weightlifting seminars/ camps there is.
The two week camp is organized by Dmitry Klokov and Dmitry Berestov.
Thanks to Justin Phillips we can get an idea of what’s going on over there. We will update his diary every couple of days.
I first met Justin at last year’s world championships in Almaty where he was the doc for team USA. He is a really cool guy and as I am sure everybody who was at the closing banquet will agree, an awesome air guitar player / singer as well. Follow him on Instagram @jdpjdp88.
Also, below I added videos of attendee Artur. These will give you a pretty good idea of how the facility and dormitories look.
Arrival & First Days
The camp so far has been great. We arrived on Sunday and we all got an email on arrival saying Dmitry Berestov will be picking you up from the airport. We all were figuring just a shuttle or something.
Nope just a gold medalist driving up to pick you up. Definitely just the first sign of how down to earth these guys are.
We are staying at the Chekhov National Training camp about an hour south of Moscow. It’s a big facility that hosts athletes from a few different sports. We are in a dorm facility that has nice accommodations.
There are 11 athletes who signed up from the camp. I think originally the plan was for 20 but ended up with 11.
This makes for lots of one on one time in training. We have guys from all over the world including Australia, Kuwait, Scotland, USA, Brazil, Switzerland, Italy, Greece and so on. Everyone here like myself has been impressed with the camp so far.
We started day one with a 2 hours morning training session at the main hall. For those of you that follow ATG and watch videos a lot, you will have seen this training center in a lot of Russian videos.
Right now the mens Junior National Team is here training in preparation for junior worlds in Poland in June. There are also some other senior level lifters here training including Vasiliy Polivnikov and Olga Zubova.
They have all been very welcoming to us to train alongside them. The junior lifters who know some English love to practice their English with us.
Most of the work right now is lighter weights working on technique. Klokov, who has good command of his English, and Berestov through a translator, are continually observing and correcting.
They are quick to answer any questions you might have throughout the workout. After our workout is done we usually have time to sit and watch the juniors continue their workout.
They have some amazing young talent. Of course some like Adam Maligov which most weightlifting fans know but also lots of guys I was not familiar with.
I’ve seen a 17 yr old 69kg lifter snatching 130+. Multiple 94/105 snatching 170+. They are very concerned with video getting out of the camp leading up to worlds so they don’t allow any videos to be taken. I would love to share these lifts with you.
That afternoon we had off for recovery. This meant sauna and massage. We have a masseur at the camp just for us. He was doing massages for athletes while the rest of us were using the sauna. Russian Sauna is like a steam bath. They call it Banya. It’s intense heat. Usually 5-15 mins followed by jumping in the small contrast pool and back and forth 5-6 times. The contrast pool is really just normal temp but you get so hot it feels ice cold. They also use dried oak leaves that are wet and then hit on your skin to improve the circulation. I tried the first day with Klokov fanning and hitting me with the oak leaves. After sauna was our first lecture. Klokov had invited his coach to come out and give us a talk on the history of weightlifting. The stories he had were amazing to hear. He has an incredible amount of weightlifting memorabilia. He said he only brought a small portion of what he has. Dmitry said you could spend 100 camps going through all his memorabilia. Day 2 was our first day with 2 training sessions. We had an am workout from 10:15-12:15 followed by afternoon workout 16:30-18:30. I think a lot of us were pretty sore from traveling and the first workout. Luckily we had our own masseur. This guy is a massive but friendly Russian. Anytime you fell like something is sore whether it be before, during or after the workout you just jump on the table and he works it out. Then you’re ready to go. We have all talked about how spoiled we will be when we return home and start working out. After working out my lower back for the second day he told me don’t look at your back. The other guys said my back is black and blue from his massages. I told him it doesn’t matter what it looks like only what if feels like. It felt great. By these workouts a few of the Russian coaches had taken an interest in us and also began giving some tips throughout the workout. Also Vasiliy, who is there training, was there during our afternoon session and gave some cues and corrections. That night there was a second lecture by Klokov’s coach given to us abut the history of kids weightlifting in Russia and how it came from being restricted to being an accepted practice. Day 3 was again just a morning session. We worked grip training that morning using No Hook Snatches and then No Hook Snatch Grip Deadlifts. That afternoon was more sauna and massages. Our nightly lecture was Roman Penkovsky a world champion in the rolling thunder grip strength lift. He was a really funny guy. He walked us through a few different exercises of grip strength and then showed us a little of his expertise. It was a great lecture. The main point that I took from it that while you may never have elite grip strength, anyone can improve their grip strength with just once a week training. Aleksey Lovchev just walked in to workout with us. He said it was ok to film. Just light snatch and snatch pulls.
The food is awesome. Every meal has been great. We have our own little section we eat at.
I forgot to take a picture of the group eating but that’s the food. And the gainz are in the ice cream cooler. Gluten & Gains
Here is Artur’s video from that day. … to be continued
Thursday was two a day session for us. With the morning session we focused on snatch technique. Klokov and Berestov took us though very exercises focusing on positions of the lifts. Almost every workout we do we hold positions at various points for time. Klokov feels this is the easiest way for coach and lifter to know if they are in the right position. This is illustrated by the Hang Snatches we did. I had to hold the hang for 3 secs. I was still able to match my best hang snatch at 120kg. Video Proof:
Posted by Justin Phillips on Thursday, May 7, 2015
Afternoon session was Clean and Push Press technique. We worked up to heavy doubles on the clean, but only if technique was good.
Many times we held the start position for 5 seconds before starting so that coaches could make any adjustments.
The biggest key I took from both sessions was that we are trying to keep ourselves in positions so that all muscles in legs are activated at all times.
That night we had a lecture from Dmitry Yashankin (yes a third coach Dmitry. Haha)
This camp definitely makes you want to say fuck it to the real world and just keep training in an environment like this.
Yashankin is a longtime bodybuilder and winner of many national and international titles. When he’s not training he does lectures around the country on nutrition. He tailored his lecture to weightlifting. He had a lot of great information for us.
Friday morning was our only lifting session of the day. No real dynamic lifting today.
Most everything was training for power. Klokov feels that while training the classic lifts are great all beginners need more muscles and the only way that happens is adding muscle.
So Romanian Deadlifts (RDLs), Push Press and Back Squat were on the menu for the session.
On afternoons of the days with one session we focus on one thing: RECOVERY.
I think I speak for most of the group when I say we love these sessions. Having been to a few other camps I feel this has been one of the biggest bonuses about this camp.
While other camps may talk about what you can do for recovery, we train just like the Russian athletes here.
So Friday afternoon was Banya (Russian sauna) and massages. This time we made it a little more traditional and had some beers while recovering.
Our masseur’s name is Alex. There’s a Russian word for “masseur” that he goes by. He’s a master of sport in Greco roman wrestling.
A lot of us here are in our 30s. While a few have had to skip sessions most have lifted every session myself included. The only way I could have made it through this week is the significant attention paid to recovery.
That night Dmitry Yashankin gave his second lecture on supplements for weightlifting. He went through every category you can think of including preworkouts, proteins, gainers, energetics …etc. Again a lot of detailed information on what he felt would help weightlifters and what to avoid.
Saturday was our last 2 a day for the week. This added up to sessions 8 and 9 for the week.
Klokov laughed and felt we were all moving a little slow to start the morning session.
We turned up the music, warmed up and got going though. As has been for the week the morning session focused on Snatch. The workout consisted of snatches from the blocks, Snatch Pulls, and then this workout, which I had never done.
He called this Squat Muscle Snatch + Sots Press 2+2. [Watch: Dmitry do it with 60kg]
The key on the Muscle Snatch is to keep the arms straight. No bending at the elbow makes it much harder.
It’s meant to both strengthen and increase mobility in the shoulders. It was a very difficult exercise. I suggest if you try to keep the weight low.
The afternoon session was Clean & Jerk and Clean Pulls along with some other accessory exercises. I think everyone in the group is starting to get a feel for the positions that the coaches want us to be in.
Everyone is seeing improvement in their technique from the start of the week. During all these sessions we continue to get to watch the junior national team and other senior level lifters train alongside us.
With this much talent in the gym it definitely takes the energy in the room to a level I’ve never trained in before.
Lifters Maksim Mironov (@maksmironoff) and Konstantin Roschupkin (@roshhupkostya) have trained along with us at most of our sessions. Both have instagrams that you should definitely follow.
Saturday night was a lecture on women’s weightlifting and training. Coach Vladmir Safonov and former lifter Oxana Slivenko gave the lecture.
They gave us a history of how women’s weightlifting has developed from its start in the late 80s to today’s time.
Overall one week left to go. I feel that everyone is thoroughly enjoying themselves at the camp.
Both coaches are not only at every training session but every meal and every banya session. They are both very down to earth guys who seem to be enjoying the camp as much as we are.
As Klokov’s coach said in our first lecture weightlifting is a drug and that is why we are all here. This camp definitely makes you want to say fuck it to the real world and just keep training in an environment like this. Haha.
So Sunday was a day off for us. We were able to sleep in and rest.
In the afternoon we took a bus to Moscow. There we had a relaxing boat tour down the Moskva river.
The weather couldn’t have been better. We had dinner on the boat and managed to put away more than a few bottles of vodka. For those that have watched Klokov’s video of the camp you can see the end some of us had a lot of vodka. It was a great day.
Monday started just as last week.
Morning session back in the gym. I think all of us were moving a little slower due to the drinking.
We did a lot of complexes. Klokov likes to use various accessory exercises in varying combinations to keep the muscles challenged.
Only one morning workout so that meant of course more banya.
We are following the same training schedule of the russian team just on opposite days. So the schedule usually alternates two a day training with single day/banya. This means sauna about 3 times a week. We sauna for approx 1.5 hrs. Time in the sauna is prob 25-50 mins depending on who is use to it.
Monday night was the first lecture from Boris Sheiko.
He’s a former olympic weightlifter, who lifted during the time of Klokov’s father. Since he quite lifting he’s become on of the most successful powerlifting coaches in the world. He lectured us on programming.
I know you may be thinking, “why would you have a powerlifting coach lecturing at this camp?”. Actually when you talk of the various cycles of training it’s the same. You’re just programming different exercises/lifts to train. He talked of programming various intensity days for 3/4/5 day a week training cycles.
Tuesday was a tough day with 2 training sessions. The morning session focused on Clean & Jerk accessory exercises. These included Power Clean, Strict Press, full Clean, Jerk, Push Press.
They were combined in various complexes. The afternoon session had RDLs, Back Squats and Jerk from the Rack.
The Jerk from Rack was programmed to max out. We had prob 7 or 8 lifters set new PRs in the Jerk.
Tuesday nights lecture was again Boris Sheiko. More than a few of the lifters here coach in crossfit or other gyms.
He went over the various powerlifting movements and tips to each. While not directly beneficial to your Snatch and Clean/Jerk it was a vary interesting lecture. You could easily see how he has trained so many world champions.
Wednesday was another day off for us to be tourists again.
We left early for Moscow. Our first stop was at the Forward sports store.
Forward sponsors the Russian national team. So all the gear you see the national team wearing/using is from this company. We all made purchases of shirts, jackets, track suits, hats. etc.
This is actually the first money I’ve spent since arriving in Moscow.
Next we headed to the Red square. We had 3 hours to walk around and take in the plaza. I managed to hit up the Bosco store in the GUM (massive russian mall). Bosco sponsors the russian national team only for the olympics. So of course I couldn’t resist another jacket with with Olympic logo.
A lot of us took the opportunity to grab some western food. I def saw McDonalds, Subway and Krispy Kreme being enjoyed.
We got back to Chekhov in time for our scheduled banya for the night.
Vasiliy Polivnikov joined us that night. I will tell you be careful if Vasiliy offers to hit you with branches. You will be on fire before you are done. I tried to explain the phrase hot as hell. He seemed to understand hot like the highway to hell.
That night Dmitry Berestov had a sit down talk with us. He told us stories of his history in weightlifting. It was really remarkable to hear the ups and downs of his career.
He was never a lifter that people looked at and thought this guys going to be a gold medalist. He spoke very highly of his 2 longtime coaches.
His first coach that coached him from age 10-18 he now holds a yearly weightlifting tournament in his honor. He told us of the remarkable feat of being an Olympic gold medalist without ever having won a Russian national championship.
He also brought his gold medal for us to see. He officially retired last year after having a comeback cut short by injury. He’s now coaching. He said his long term goal is not necessarily to coach champions but to be as big an impact in his lifters lives as his first coach was in his own life.
That’s up to Wednesday night I’ll write the last few days Sunday.
And here is Artur’s video tour.
Wow that sounds like an awesome place to be at!
Noticed Aleksey Lovchev spress style. A hip thrust forward on the way up. I seem more and more Russian male lifters press this way(Berestov and his young adept “Sasha”). Anyone else noticed this?
This style is the RAF-press. The style that was used before the “double hip style aka garcy presss aka polish press aka olympic press” and also the style that I use when I press. It was used back in 1950-1960. The American John Davis used this press style.
17y+69kg? That has to be Vjacheslav Yarkin.
Also should that last video be there? Not that he gets kicked out…
Yes that’s Yarkin.
Last video is fine. They are only not allowed to show lifts of other junior lifters who are currently there.
i wonder how much that costs?
5500 USD Scroll down here: http://www.teamwinner.com/camp.html
hmm that’s not too bad for two weeks. I’d be sore as can be after all that though
Compare these guys(Russians) to a training camp for
lifters from the old USSR. Is that apples to oranges ?
How is their training different or is it ?
Who is the brazilian?
Also saw Okulov? If yes how is his form? 😀
This is not a certification. Kevin is that you trying to hate on Klokov again?
On the TeamWinner page, it says “Certification” Gregor under the words:Moscow tour.
Two weeks is a lot more time and probably more info than many fire service certs.
You should approve Old Lifter’s comment so I can properly reply and tear apart all his arguments.
Nope, I won’t have him take derail and take over this thread with his trolling. He has done it too many times.
would love to hear some stuff about mobility
Looks like fun, but way too expensive. 5k is an amazing holiday…
yes its a amazing holiday that you can have in a russian traingscamp, that is how i see it, seen from my persepective.
Im enjoying this very much I saw the video by dmitry klokov first week at trainingcamp and it gave me chickenskin / the chills, keep posting your adventure in words and video and i have one question I was asking myself /wandering why an earth are they wearing hats in the sauna. I bet ya was asking it yourself until the gods (both dmitry s) explained to you. thank you man.
They protect from overheating and also keep sweat from rolling down into your eyes.
thank you gregor.
how high in cm is that wooden block / plate ? where you do defecit from block snatches / cleans
I’m interested in the use of the national facilities for this camp. Is this a wholly private enterprise? What do you think the degree of state participation/cooperation is? Is there a precedent for this kind of seminar/camp for-profit model being done by other state institutions? Has anything like this ever happened at the USOTC?
I’m genuinely curious; it might be a cool way to engage interested weightlifters in the states outside of the CF world (which is increasingly difficult), as well as a way to boost the USOC’s always-insufficient coffers.
Berestov/Klokov will have to pay for use of the facilites for the group, but beyond that I doubt the RFWF is deeply involved, it’s not like they bring foreign competitors to the place.
Amateur lifters training in other countries/with pros also happens/happened in Bulgaria, Egypt, China (maybe more).
why are there no female lifters on the camp?
There are. For example Olga Zubova.
I mean attending Klokov’s seminar?
Maybe demographics of who can and is willing to attend. Given they are 30+ mature and relatively amateur-ish and more well off as well as willing to travel to a foreign country alone to train with mostly men. I don’t think that many women would fit into that particular demographic.
This honestly looks like THE BEST vacation for anyone who considers themselves a “Weightlifter”(amateur/hobby). The price being something like 300-400 dollars a day seems relatively cheap considering what you get.
how long a time are they staying in the sauna ?
Max 15 minutes, but multiple times as written above.