Meanwhile in Russia …
Aleksey Lovchev does some Seated Good Mornings…
… with 210kg!
He doesn’t go all the way down, but note that his back stays as flat as a board throughout his range of motion. No surprise when you can Snatch 212kg I guess.
Best of Olympic Weightlifting
Meanwhile in Russia …
Aleksey Lovchev does some Seated Good Mornings…
… with 210kg!
He doesn’t go all the way down, but note that his back stays as flat as a board throughout his range of motion. No surprise when you can Snatch 212kg I guess.
Read Alexey’s Interview on ATG.
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This is just embarrassing, Throw all the weight in the world on there and execute in worse than horrible form. Stop arching your damn back!
good lord
Dude even manufactures his own weights.
This plate set was a birthday gift.
I know what I’ll be adding to my wish list
Public manufacturer? They’re all the same width, which is intriguing.
Doesn’t his dad run a gym? Probably gets personalized bumper plates cheap. haha personalized plates. The ever present ping pong table is in the background too
he still went pretty freaking deep! Jesus 210kg.
It’s crime against the heavens that Russia can only send two SHWs to this years WWC. Mogushkov and Lovchev own record each now, but Albegov has also gained like 15kg and likely some strength as well.
wait…Who sn’t going? Albegov?
We don’t know yet. But each country can only enter two athletes per class.
My guess would be Mogushkov simply because he’s too inconsistent with the clean but we’ll see.
Hmmm…I’m not so sure this is so outstanding as it appears. It’s about 1.5x his bodyweight or maybe 60% of his squat max. I’m pretty sure many gym visitors (at least those who follow ATG) can manage that, and they are not olympians.