Check out the “What are the small lifestyle changes you’ve made that have had big impacts for you?” thread.
Here are a couple of good points mentioned in that post.
- I started going to bed and reading 9 hours before I plan on waking up
- I make sure to start every day as a producer, not a consumer.
- Cutting out soda from my diet.
- Meal planning. When I started cooking all of my meals for the week on the weekend, life became way easier. Just come home, microwave, enjoy. No stress, no excuses for eating shitty takeout, fewer dishes.
- Waking up early. Getting a quick workout/shower/coffee in before most people have taken their morning shit kinda makes me feel like a bad ass.
- I started taking the stairs to the sixth floor. I kept doing it after the elevator got fixed. I’m better with stairs now, and I like the energy/break from doing it a few times a day.
- Does it have to be about fitness? For me it would be smiling more, whenever I walk into a room I smile whenever I say hi to somebody I smile, people like me a lot more now.
- drink water, not soda
- Anything that I am snacking on, I try to keep 6+ feet away so that I have to physically stand up to grab another piece
- New water bottle
- Stopped eating stuff with ingredients I had to Wikipedia
- Put workouts on my weekly meetings calendar.
- started eating eggs in the morning instead of delicious cereal and milk
- Eat when i’m hungry -> don’t eat when I’m not
- bike to work/class
- Food scale, and asking myself why I’m eating. When everything you eat has a purpose, and the amounts are correct, you can’t help but get the results you want.
- Frozen veggie bags, buy a lot, 5 minute addition to your protein and great to fill you up. Throw it in everything, Scrambles, chicken and spinach bowls, anything you make can have an 50/50 portion of veggies.
- wake up at the same time EVERYDAY, then workout.
- I got an exercise bar that fits in the doorway. I put it up in the kitchen/den entrance. Whenever I walk through, I do some chin-ups.
- Set up my own gym in a room in my house.
- Removing caffeine from my diet.
- Parking a couple blocks farther away from work.
- I bought a slow cooker.
inspiring shizzle!