Here is a Snatch and Clean & Jerk technique tutorial featuring 4 Russian masters of sports.
Most prominent is Dmitry Berestov. He along with Aleksandr Zakharov, AleksandrKrasnov (56kg) , Dmitriev(?) go through every minute detail of the Snatch.
Maybe we can get a time stamped translation /summary going.
Snatch Video, 90 min
Clean & Jerk Video 68 min
Vadim wrote in saying:
One thing that was very useful for me in the C&J video was that you have to wait till you get on your tiptoes and only then proceed to the split.
Rushing the Split is the worst mistake in the Jerk
A good tip is to view the jerk as a two-phase movement, consisting of the initial drive to the tip-toes, and then receiving the bar with the split.
Almost all beginners just go straight to the split, trying to be “faster”, which results in poor Jerks.
Here is a link to the moment in the video where the blue shirt guy again emphasizes the importance of finishing the jerk drive and only afterwards switching to the split motion.
it looks like it is mostly for beginners.
1) Naim, Pyrros, Ilya have many deviations from “perfect” technique which supports the claim that every person’s approach to training/technique individual
2) Berestov said that Chinese, even though learned from Soviet school, have a different technique due to better flexibility and anthropometric specifics.
3) Showed some assistance exercises in the end, which were shown on this site before
One important detail they spoke about is:
If you tend to bend your elbows before the second pull, it is not a major mistake. They speak about a hint “rotate your elbows inside during the 1st pull so your arms are in an uncomfortable position to bend.” Dmitry says it is not worth it to spend your time on; if the arm bend is an issue of grip strength, use traps; otherwise, just remember to keep arms straight.